It is shocking to me the lack of information this website gives out about our neighborhood. I am blaming no one because I know this is a tough job that people do because they care about their neighborhood as a volunteer and it is a thankless job. Trust me, I have had many.
I am however, shocked and disappointed with our landscaping company with their carefree style of using chemicals around this neighborhood. I have watched them for years carelessly overuse chemicals, spreading them all over the streets and sidewalks but I have never had something as horrific happen to me until today.
I was working out in my driveway, cleaning out my car and my garage on this beautiful sunny day that somehow escaped the winds of the weekend. My dog was tied up under a shade tree next to me and my cat was very happy close by. All of the sudden I heard a strange sound that was not familiar. Before I could react I realized the Red Tip Photinias were being sprayed and the spray was now covering me, my dog, my cat, my car, and pretty much my entire back yard. I tell you, I was in complete shock and not a happy camper. It took me a minute to gab my dog and cat and clear them from the area, but after I did I yelled over the photinias in my very sweet and controlled voice..."Hey, It would be nice if you had given us a little warning".
So with my eyes still burning, I ask you...Is it really okay for these landscapers to be spraying serious chemicals through our neighborhood where our children and pets roam? I don't think so, and I will tell you why. After I yelled at the men, they hopped in their truck and took off. Is that something you would do if you were doing the right thing?
Help me out people...I am not asking for a bunch of people who have nothing better to do than sit around and complain to sit around and complain, but if you see something wrong, please report it. Someone else had to have experienced this today besides me. If you have and knowledge of this, could you please contact me. I plan to ask the landscape company about this.
Thanks for reading and listening to my rant.
Allison Carlson