Just so you know, I've followed up on another creative solution regarding ''how to get out of Wynnpage in rush hour''. The idea was to put orange flags around the ''DO NOT BLOCK THE INTERSECTION'' sign and paint a strip across Denton Tap showing the traffic exactly where they should stop. Unfortunately, we were vetoed by the city again since this is not allowed for in the ''State of Texas Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices''. So, in summary, there will be no traffic light, no street stripe, no flags, no larger sign, no policemen (unless we want to pay $35 an hour which is more than we have in the bank after 7 years as an HOA). Looks like the only option that remains is the one to exit right and do a ''u''ie. Or, shall we all meet at Starbucks at 630A so that we can beat the rush? Just a bit of humor folks. Make your day a great one!
By Mary Ann Dunkum
By Mary Ann Dunkum