Yard of the Month? You are such a kidder!

Posted in: Churchill Estates Homes

The last two selections were not good.  The first was an landscape "artist" who landscapes with pots - exclusively.  I can see some pots on the porch, maybe a couple things in pots in the yard if you simply cannot control your obsessive compulsive  pathology, but to pretty much put everything other than the hedge in a pot.  That sir or madam, is not landscaping and reflects a homeowner who has no idea what he is doing.


And just when I thougth it could not be any worse we have this month's award winning untended plot of ground.  I don't know what this bland. colorless, presentation had to offer when your amaturish team took a look.  But please, take a new look.  The yard is beginning to resemble a cow pasture.  Apparently after you convinced him of his great horticultural prowess he intends to start growing hay on CHurchill Estates Boulevard.  Now want he needs is a warning letter.  I suppose you could leave it on his sign. 


Please read your award criteria.  You may have missed the criteria "color."  That does not, by the way mean uniformly colored GREEN shrubs.  Just my humble opinion, but this gardener is finding some of your selections beyond explaination and myself personally embarrassed for the homeowners association.  When you look at this yards, consider whether anyone would want to immulate them.  If anybody wants to immulate the last two, have at it, go ahead and turn the neighborhood into East Tennessee.  But please, please; please, instruct the latest hayseed to mow his lawn.  He is currently a blight on the neighborhood.  


Must go, I am beginning to feel quite ill.

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