Yorkshire East Civic Association

43232 Yorkshire East

Posted in: Yorkshire - Columbus

Hello ALL Neighbors!!! Lets plan for another yard sale this year for July 5th, 6th & 7th. From 8-4...... We all had a great time last year, and if we give enough notice we can get more people.  Tell your Neighbors, co-workers, Church Family, and Friends.   We can all have a good time and clean house too. ( Oh yeaaa and make a little spending money)..


Who wants to do the signs this year???? Smile

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  • dfambry
  • Active Neighbor
  • USA
  • 1 Post
  • Respect-O-Meter: Active Neighbor

Hi, I am interested in participating in the community garage sale. How can I help get the word out? Let's do this. Please email me at straightenup@outlook.com. I hope this is for 2013!!!!!

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