present: Charles Owen, Donnie Faulkner, Vicki Welch, Linda Duncan, Mark Osborn, Martin Rothman, Bob Davison, Aaron Walters, Al Church
Guests: Spouses of the members were invited to attend this holiday dinner held at South Park Country Club. Murry Harral and Billy Vincent were absent.
Treasurer's Report
Vicki reported that we have $18, 363.23 in the bank as of October 23, 2009. Vicki also informed Directors that it is time to decide what to do with our CD's, coming due in March, 2010.. In January, we will hear alternatives that may earn more than the CD rates. Bob moved; Marty seconded motion to accept Treasurer's Report; approved.
Yard decorations were destroyed in a resident's yard on York River Rd. Police were not called. We are adding this to our Log of 2009 criminal events in the neighborhood. It was decided that Linda would ofeer a reward on our Hotline number and put the ALERT signs up for residents to call the Holine number if they had names of the guilty.
Adjourned - next meeting is in January, the third Thursday, at Epiphany United Methodist Church.
Also, it was reported that a house on Old Towne Rd. was egged.Charles reported that he was notified 60 have not yet paid annual dues. He will check again with our accountants to see who will be receiving notices of late fees due and warnings of being summoned to small claims court if there is continue failure to pay annual dues.
Charles and Mark agreed to judge the yard decorations for this year.