Yorktown North Maintenance Association

Minutes for January 21, 2010

Present:  Charles Owen, Donnie Faulkner, Vicki Welch, Linda Duncan, Bob Davison, Mark Osborn, Martin Rothman, Billy Vincent, Murry Harral


Absent:  none


Block Watch Report: 

Over the holidays, we had one report of decorations vandalized and two reports of eggs being thrown at cars parked on the street and parked in driveways.  We also have had street signs painted with the lettering CYCO, the same gang sign painted on the bridge by the church on National Turnpike.

Minutes for the December meeting were read and approved, as was the Treasurer's Report that  showed, as of December 22, we have $61,688.70 in our bank account.  The cost of the repairs of the electric boxes at both entrances of the subdivision appared on this month's Treasurer's Report.   Mark moved; Bob seconded; all approved these reports.


Old Business:

All but five residents have paid annual dues.  Those will be taken to small claims court if they are not settled.  

J.C. Speagle will wait until we have no more freezes before he sets our new street signs/poles.


Linda will contact Donna Mike for the list of trees she recommended we plant along National Turnpike.  We will contact Matt Nally to help us get these trees and to plant them for us.


New Business:

Election of officers for 2010:

President - Charles Owen

Vice-President - Donnie Faulkner

Treasurer - Vicki Welch

Secretary - Linda Duncan


Charles will send a letter to the owner of Lot 286 to remind him/her that no multi-family use of homes can exist in Yorktown North, according to our restrictions.


Marty moved and Mark seconded a motion to reimburse Bob Davison $50.00 for the use of his truck in various maintenance projects on behalf of the subdivision.  Approved unanimously.

Charles will inform P & R to spray the rocks around the lake so weeds will not grow up through the rocks. 

Charls will call  IPL to check once again the house in front of the house that burned, reports being that a car repair business is being run out of that residence.

Linda will contact Rick Caple, JCPS Transportation Director, concerning the report by Donnie that a 3:00 bus is dropping kids off and driving on, leaving the kids to cross behind the bus, in violation of safety procedures normally followed.


Adjourned: 8:10 p.m.

Next meeting - March 18 - 7:00 p.m. - Epiphany UMC





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