Yorktown North Maintenance Association

Annual Meeting 10/21/06

Nov 14, 2006

Present: 31 -- See attached sign-in sheet

Guest: Andrew Hardin from Red Cross - presentation on creating a Disaster Plan and a Disaster Kit for times of emergency.

Plan - Discuss two ways to get out of every room. Designate a place to meet outside the home. Check smoke detectors.

Disaster Kit - Keep kit in house or car. Include: food and water for 3 days; one gallon of water per person per day; canned goods and opener; first-aid kit; flashlights and batteries; weather radio; toilet paper.

Guest: Dixie Sanitation - presentation on service deal Dixie can offer for all residents, including: $99 first-year service; 96 gal. toter; no fuel charge; yard waste pick-up in black garbage bags; stickers for cans that you want to be used; pick-up of old heaters, refrigerators, freezers if call ahead of time; $3 per tire charge to pick up tires. Call office if a problem.

Old Business:

Block Watch

Sign-in with phone no. and address - Make regular trips through the neighborhood looking for suspicious activity. Report any suspicious activity to police (574-2111) and call Linda Duncan (361-5973) to add report to Log. Check Log on website periodically to know what reports have been added.

City ordinance violations such as cars parked in yards and trailers / boats parked in driveways should be reported to Councilwoman Welch's office (574-3458) or Metro Call 311.

Fences - 80-90% complete - used 1 1/4 inch poplar as boards - no paint for a year, then evaluate. Boards left stacked will be removed on Lake Clean-up Day.

Lighting at entrances - all re-done; new sprinkler system added; new landscaping on both islands and new holiday decorations after Thanksgiving.

Murry Harrel wants erosion repaired on lakes - wants brush cut at lake edge. * Note: MSD is aware of this erosion and has been rocking areas of immediate need. We are on the list to have other areas rocked. They have advised us not to mow to the edge so brush will slow down further erosion.)

New Business

Lake Clean-up Day - October 28 - 9:00 a.m. - meet at 406 Old Towne sidewalk to lake - Operation Brightside will supply bags, gloves, rakes, grabbers. and will pick up what we gather.

Budget for 2006-2007 submitted by Vicki Welch, Treasurer.

Election for vacancies - Mike Kuchenbrod and Carol Kidd. Replacements nominated and approved: Marry Harrel and Diana _____.

Charles Alvey won the drawing, giving him paid dues for the upcoming year.

Adjourned: 11:30
Next meeting - November 16 - 7:00 p.m. - Epiphany

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