Create a qualified HOA board


Learn how to elect qualified board members and help them perform their duties successfully.

Being of member of a homeowners association (HOA) board may be a volunteer gig, but it comes with important responsibilities. Board members must execute contracts, enforce rules, hold meetings, maintain the association’s finances and property and put the interests of the association’s homeowners collectively first.

With all these responsibilities, it’s important to ensure you have the right people on your HOA’s board, and that they understand their roles. These tips can help.

Establish board member qualifications

Your HOA may or may not have these already established in your governing documents, or it may be time to update them. Here are a few qualifications to consider:

  • Should board members should be residents? Residents, rather than investors, may have a better sense of what’s going on in your community. But restricting HOA board membership to residents limits your pool of possible volunteers can limit other points of view as well.
  • Must board members be current on their dues and special assessment payments? Some HOAs require members to be no more than 90 days delinquent. 
  • Should you prohibit felons from serving on the board? If so, this may require a background check.

Help homeowners make informed decisions when electing board members

Ask those interested in serving on the board to fill out a candidate questionnaire or profile. Questions and topics should focus on why the homeowner wishes to serve on the board, any special qualifications they have and what they might like to accomplish as a board member.

Develop a code of conduct for board members

This can help guide board members’ actions, or provide a basis for removal from the board if a member breaches the code. The code should include the board member’s basic duties and expectations on how they will conduct themselves when acting on behalf of the association.

Provide education resources to board members

New board members should receive your association’s rules, regulations and governing documents. They’ll also need to understand their role on the board and what is expected of them. If your HOA uses an outside management company, it can be helpful for a representative to speak at the first meeting of a new board.

Once your HOA’s board is in place and running smoothly, be sure to follow these tips to prevent board member burn-out!

This article contains general information; individual situations are unique.

Source:, Colorado Homeowners Association
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