Finance Resources

10 tips to reduce HOA legal fees
These 10 tips could help keep your HOA from overspending on legal fees.
5 Steps To Stop Debt Collection Harassment
Stop those harassing phone calls and letters with these five steps.
Buying A Home After Foreclosure Or Short Sale
Learn how you can qualify to purchase a home after a foreclosure or short sale
Debt Collection: Understand Your Rights
Understand the rights granted to you under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
Debt out of control
Is your debt out of control
Federal Benefits Exempt From Garnishment
If you have debt, certain federal benefits may be exempt from bank garnishment.
Follow procedures for collecting HOA fees
Your HOA may be required to follow the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
Generate income while waiting to claim Social Security
Generate income while waiting to claim Social Security
How To Select Funds For Your 401(K)
Pick the right funds from your companys 401k plan offerings.
How to create a budget for your HOA
How to create a budget for your HOA
Nobody Wants to Be the Board Treasurer - What Do You Do?
The most important board role and the one with the most work is the Treasurer.
Should you use a home equity loan?
If you own a home and have a steady source of income, you likely can qualify for a home equity loan, also known as a second mort
What is Fiduciary Duty?
Though the term is typically used in the legal and governmental system, it can also be applied to any professional relationship,
What you Need to Know about the New 2010 Credit Card Rules
New rules for credit card companies mean new credit card protections for you. Here are some key changes
Your 401(K) And Index Funds
Learn more about index funds to determine if they should be part of your 401k investment portfolio.
Your 401(K) And Target-Date Funds
Learn more about target date funds to determine if they should be part of your 401k
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A Guide for First Time Homebuyers
ClassifiedsmDescribes the 6 step process for the first-time homebuyer
Be Proactive and Improve Neighborhood Safety
Single_spikeIncrease Safety and Security While away from your Home with Spike Strips
The 2009 Omnibus Bill Explained
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How to Buy and Rent a Vacation Home
VacationsmWhat you should consider before purchasing, the tax implications of owning a vacation rental home and how to rent it.

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