What is PRISM?


PRISM is an advanced internal government computer system used by a multitude of agencies. 

Is PRISM Just Software?

Well, it's an entire system, but you can think of it as software.Employees at the NSA (or other government agencies) can become familiar with using PRISM (Likely an acronym which stands for Planning tool for Resource Integration, Synchronization, and Management) the same way a legal secretary might become familiar with using Word or an accountant might become familiar with using Excel.  Government job postings might even list familiarity with PRISM as a requirement for employment just as regular people see job postings requiring familiarity with Word or Photoshop.

PRISM Specifics are Not Available

Almost all public details are merely guesses.  Information is classified by the NSA.  They claim that they are limited by their need to protect intelligence sources and methods. Disclosing information about the specific methods the government uses to collect communications can obviously give our enemies a “playbook” of how to avoid detection. Nonetheless, they say, PRISM has proven vital to keeping the nation and our allies safe. It continues to be one of their most important tools for the protection of the nation’s security.

On June 18th, 2013, NSA Director Keith Alexander testified that the PRISM program helped avert more than 50 “potential terrorist events.” 

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Source: Neighborhood Link
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