For the past two winters we have been beleaguered with snow storms that drop significant snow in our area. As a result, the services of snow plowing has been needed. But the resulting conditions of the roads through our neighborhoods after the storms and after these plow operators have plowed is embarrassing and unsafe.
Too many roads in our development are one lane.
Too many roads in our development are icy and snow/slush covered.
I've watched the plow operators we have hired the past two years and they are some of the worst I have seen. I have seen them push snow down Keats and in front of the driveway of the resident that lives on the corner of Keats and S Avon. I have seen them push snow into residents front yards, up on their sidewalks and nearly hit other people's cars. I've watched their plows break and get stuck and trucks completely break down.
I think it is time we part ways with "Big Daddy" and his plow buddies and hire snow removal operators that are smarter and better at the removal process before someone seriously gets physically injured or property gets seriously damaged.