What makes you think
an override will improve the school system? How, In your estimation, will more moneys improve the system. A 50%increase in funding in nine years paid for a large increase
in teachers salaries and little else. The town?’s population has been relatively stable at
approximately 33,00 for the past twenty years finishing at 33,700 in 2003.
The system of funding the schools system doesn't encourage excellence, only more
taxation. If we, the citizens of Braintree, depend on the state of
Massachusetts for funding on a year to year basis we are fools and need only to look at the history of the distributions.
A system of private schools funded by families with children and under free enterprise
to excel and blossom without politics behind the scene is the answer. Charter schools of this day and age shows the interest in private and superior education of younger children, the vested education interests see charter schools as a threat to their monopoly on education funding .
Privately hired teachers are accountable to the charters schools that hire them, not to a large National group of unions with avaricious local chapters. the increases in compensation is, as in the private business, done on merit and excellence private school by school.
Where is it constitutionally mandated that the towns should be involved in private education, it is the duty of the parents to educate their own children, the need to provide free education for poor families is a fallacy.
In the case of need for a family that truly couldn?’t afford to pay for education could be easily accommodated by the state or federal government through tax relief. The school committee?’s
have long been an stepping stone into office for legions of ambitious people to state office.
Our form of town government was the best way in colonial times when we all had small
farms to feed our families. Farmers and small townspeople could vote in this way, few
actually worked for the village in those days.
The present town has many employees and being human want a better life, more money
and some will be elected to town meeting, how do you think these people will vote on an warrant to increase in funding, these people don?’t have time or an interest in town tax details
so vote their personal interests, not the town tax payers.
A large number of the roads in this town that need repair belong to the state, let them repair them.
The override mentality in my mind is in direct conflict with the will of the majority of taxpayers. An increase in taxes in excessive of the limit is the road to financial disaster for the average taxpayer. If proposition 2.5 hadn?’t been implemented in 1980's the average tax bill would have been doubled by now with the same level of services and school excellence.
By a curious mind wants to know