In light of the train crash in South
Carolina could the same thing happen
here in Braintree? Between the train
that runs through Hayward Street
and the train near Shaw's market could
the same thing happen in Braintree?
By Bud Wiser
Short Hauls vs Long Hauls
Trains in the rural southern part of the USA are by enlarge long haul fright haulers. They usually carry industrial basics that we don't use in this area. Things like industrial sulphuric acid,
sulphur and raw materials in the food industry.
Braintree trains carry much lighter fright and people. We could and have had crashes but they are usually much less violent then heavy fight crashes.
Dispatchers having fast and slow fright trains on the same track and counting on the slow train to get on a siding in time sometimes cause these crashes down south .Modern control systems should be able to eliminate totally all train crashes but there is always the human factor.
By Sam Bass
>Braintree trains carry much lighter >fright and people. We could and have >had crashes but they are usually much >less violent then heavy fight crashes.
Oops someone forgot to tell that to
the post office when one of the their
trucks got stuck on the tracks
and was smashed apart.
A short haul train can crash just as
And since last year when one of the signals froze up in the winter i'm not happy about having trains in this town.
By Mik E Lobe
How about 100 cars Mik e
Bigger /longer/heavier loads make
much bigger train wrecks..