that makes sense
you make sense with your doesn't make sense anon. plus, to give them even a debt exclusion override only allows them to continue to spend with monies we don't have. we'll need an override every year the way they spend before we have the money in hand. anyone know if we have any money in reserve for a rainy day?
property value??
Is anyone concerned about their property value. I know paid top dollar to move to this town because of the reputation of the school system. Should that decline, so will our property values. Also, take a look @ your assessed value. All the town really has to do is correct them. The assessed values are generally 100,000.00 less than the actual.
By concerned parent
Not without our permission
They can't spend it without our permission and it can only be used for the purpose defined by the vote. This money will b efunded seperatley from the general fund and can't be spent any other way. That's a good thing.
The reserve fund isn't that large but I think that there was a vote last year that would require additional money being put into it each year.
Funding not required
A resolution was passed to state a desire to put more into reserves and capital expenses. There is no requirement to adhere to that vote.
Where will this money come from?
An override is an override, debt exclusion or not. Regular spending will increase by the amount freed up by the borrowing and it will NEVER be reduced.
We are a comfortable town not a rich town and we should stop acting as if. You provide for all your needs with what you have and not keep defering repairs and improvements in favor of salaries.