Taking information from Patriot Properties I noticed our valuation has increased in both 2004 and 2005. I thought our properties were reassessed every 3 years. From 2003 to 2004 our value increased $l5,l00. or 5%. Then from 2004 to 2005 our assessed value increased $46,000. or l4%. Did this happen to all of you also? And does anyone know if we can expect changes in our home values every year? What became of the 3 year reval rule?
By Confused
Home values
Home values may have gone up, my
income from work has not. So
I'm going to vote no on a Prop
2 1/2 override.
State law
says towns must revaluate ''at least'' every 3 years. I believe the assessors feel when values are going up quickly they are doing us a favor by revaling every year rather than have us get hit with a huge increase every three years.
By kidsmom
The Assessors.
The Assessors do both. They hit us with a whopping increase every three years )25-45%) and whack us with 5-10% each year in between. That makes up for the shortfall of the failed overrides.
By Bebe