Schools Eating our Tax base
Let's face it, folks. Our School Department is our biggest tax drain - not that it should be, but at the alarming rate of over 5% per year in the last nine years? That doesn't include the Capital Outlay dollars we have allocated to them as well to fix their schools? Hmm, wonder how well they succeeded? For instance,
In FY97, we approved $133,600 for schools. Technology upgrades was $100,000 alone.
In FY98, we allocated $1,261,000.
In FY99, a whopping $834,800.
In FY00, we gave them $779,558.
In FY01, another $575,800 was allocated to Schools Capital needs. In
In FY02, $890,979. In FY03, $445,000.
In FY'04, anothere $290,000.
In FY05, they got $732,000 in capital dollars from us taxpayers.
By my calculations, our Braintree Public Schools
OVER AND ABOVE THEIR OPERATING BUDGET has received $5,242,727 in capital outlay monies to fix their buildings and to purchase new equipment.
That doesn't take into account the bond issue floated for over a million additional bucks for the school by school consultant analysis of what's wrong with our buildings and what it would cost to bring all the schools up to snuff.
Remember the sum of $125,000,000 floated about (and that didn't include the high school). We've been duped, stuped and betrayed by our School Committee and administrators for bleeding our tax supported dollar appropriations each year through this budget struggle the past couple of years in particular. When will we grab hold, squeeze and say NO when we can't afford this bleeding any further?
-By TMM12