Explain Again $200K
If you skeptics decry foul over the $200,000, then why don't you visit the Selectmen's Office and ask to review the video tape when the license exchange (transfer) was approved two years ago by the Selectmen from the Chinese Restaurant next to the old Watson School to the ''99'' restaurant. A sum mentioned that night was $125,000 was the amount, but later it was confirmed to represent $200,000 to arrange for the transfered licecnse. AS for owning the pocket license, once again, FX acquired the Charlie Gs license for zip,zippo under the crooked Sweeney era of Selectmen after an establishment closed down (one that Sweeney himself owned or had heavy investment in). Messina orchestrated to acquire that license in behalf of the proposed Charlie Gs restaurant to be built on his land off Ivory Street. That was five years ago. Attorney Hurley appeared before Selectmen about February this year and explained that progress was well underway, that steel beam deliveries was what was holding up the building's completion and that the place should be up and running by the Summer. Mr. Egan commented at the time that the Selectmen should revisit the matter mid summer. REason this hasn't been discussed again in front of Selectmen is because Charlie Koko was a candidate for Representative and that FX has been negotiating with Hooters to come to the site if they would purchase the alcohol license from him for whatever he could negotiate a price. Koko didn't want Hooters on his watch before election, so the matter was ''squashed off any agenda'' until after the election. Should prove very interesting for this matter to be heard sometime in near future and listen to why Charlie Gs isn't opening, but Hooters or whomever will operate out of Messina's new building at this site instead! Five years of waffling and it is political bullcrap at it's best.
By Peter P.
If you skeptics decry foul over the $200,000, then why don't you visit the Selectmen's Office and ask to review the video tape when the license exchange (transfer) was approved two years ago by the Selectmen from the Chinese Restaurant next to the old Watson School to the ''99'' restaurant. A sum mentioned that night was $125,000 was the amount, but later it was confirmed to represent $200,000 to arrange for the transfered licecnse. AS for owning the pocket license, once again, FX acquired the Charlie Gs license for zip,zippo under the crooked Sweeney era of Selectmen after an establishment closed down (one that Sweeney himself owned or had heavy investment in). Messina orchestrated to acquire that license in behalf of the proposed Charlie Gs restaurant to be built on his land off Ivory Street. That was five years ago. Attorney Hurley appeared before Selectmen about February this year and explained that progress was well underway, that steel beam deliveries was what was holding up the building's completion and that the place should be up and running by the Summer. Mr. Egan commented at the time that the Selectmen should revisit the matter mid summer. REason this hasn't been discussed again in front of Selectmen is because Charlie Koko was a candidate for Representative and that FX has been negotiating with Hooters to come to the site if they would purchase the alcohol license from him for whatever he could negotiate a price. Koko didn't want Hooters on his watch before election, so the matter was ''squashed off any agenda'' until after the election. Should prove very interesting for this matter to be heard sometime in near future and listen to why Charlie Gs isn't opening, but Hooters or whomever will operate out of Messina's new building at this site instead! Five years of waffling and it is political bullcrap at it's best.
By Peter P.