If and that's a really big if the debt exclusion will only provide for the items outlined as road repairs, trash fees etc and no raises, increases, increases in personnell ect. I will bite the bullet and vote yes to save our infrastructure.
If one budget is going to be increase because of the exclusion, I will vote NAY again.
Trouble is, the budgets won't go before town meeting until May and the debt exclusion will have to be voted on in April.
By Granny
Beware the camel
If you let the camel put his nose into the tent, soon all the camel will be inside the tent.
Find the hole in the bucket and plug it.
By Coldprick
Once you start down that
path there is no end to the cry for more,more!Remember the teachers excessive pay raise has several years of very large increases in salery and
there will be an other override scream!
We have,have to bite the bullet and say no and stick to it!!
These people will do anything to get what they want,they don't care about the town only me,me!Say no override,exclusion or any other tax increase!
By Gimmie,Gimmie,Gimmie All You Got
You are starting to make sense
But watch out bill is reading your every word!
Liberals are a funny/peculiar lot,they are sometimes overeducated but for the most part haven't any common sense.
The mentality of the towns employees is one of shear greed,they think the this town is rolling in money and is cheap in not giving them all they demand.
To control spending at the very least we need a new form of government,hold they,the various managers feet to the fire to hold the line on expenses!
If we,the towns taxpayers, don't hold the line on overrides its all over,remember the camels nose!
By Cato the elder