They have him right it there pocket.
Have to take que ball to the pool room.
Business first, home owners last.
By hubbard went to the cubbard bone
Give me a break
Give the Plaza a break, who's going to give us a break?? They use our town resources more then anyone else, why do we have to pay for it? That place is a dump!!
By Home owner
Is a looser. And he is commiting political suicide every time he takes a vote. Start counting the days because his are numbered.
A Decent Man
Once in a great while I get onto this website to see who is getting kicked by you lowlifes today. Apparently Mr. Hubbard is the target for you morons. Most of you can't spell and certainly cannot make the difference between facts and fiction. In setting the tax rate Mr. Hubbard stated about business that he was concerned about the small businesses in town. Rightfully so. If you idiots did some homework, you would know that most small businesses in town are owned by our own residents. At least Mr. Hubbard voiced his opinions and is not afraid to speak up.
By An Observer