I also wanted to thank mcountygal1992 and arntolaf, they seem to know how I feel about the community that I spent 4 1/2 years living in, calling it home.
I really wish more people in our community would come to this site to read what is happening in their neighborhood. While being out knocking on doors, I spent many hours talking to owners and renters about the rules in our CCR's on weeds, people parking cars and trailers in the streets, about this site and a few other things. You know I felt good when walking away from their house knowing I have informed them of things they did not know, even if it was a renter. Should they come to a HOA meeting, yes I encouraged each person to come, ask questions, voice your opinion. I know many can not attend so I am thankful for this site and the Board Memeber that takes care of it, Thanks Castlegate.