vrflanders, yes many people are having a hard time staying in there home, and paying their bills. I am sure most of these people are not paying their HOA dues either. What does that do for you and me, we pay our dues which helps pay some of the Community's bills. But can you imagine if 90% of the homeowners paid all of the time. We would be able to come out of this situation we are in right now a bit quicker. With our current situation I would consider "niceties" on HOLD. But what would you consider a "nicetie" ? I would consider a nicety a new basketball court, painting lines down the street and putting up a dog park. Sorry we just don't have the funds for these now. What I would not consider a nicetie would be paying our landscapers, paying our garbage and water.
I think a few things need to be looked into though. I asked at the last meeting held on the cost of the popup sprinklers. $35.00 each is WAY too much. Ewing sells professional popups (anytime I am in there I run into landscaping contractor after landscaping contractor, so I know this is where they go to buy their parts) for $5 to $6 each. These are not the inexpensive ones from Home Depot or Lowes, these are professional grade brass sprinkler heads. Unless our landscapers are charging us $5 for the replacement and $30 for the installation ?
Keep your chin up, things will get better. It will not be overnight, it is going to take some time.