Just an FYI the neighborhood watch did not go away due to budget cuts, the gentleman who was running it in Castlegate's schedule wasn't working with the deputy's schedule and they were having a hard time contacting each other. There is a deputy who runs this program and I have been in contact with him several times over the past couple of weeks. As soon as the holidays are over I will be trying to get it up and running with meetings, stats, how to keep us safer, etc. Unfortunately a neighborhood watch is just that a NEIGHBORHOOD watch and does not really involved the police it involves NEIGHBORS and well when only 5-6 people are willing to help out out of 1,300 houses it's not going to be very effective. In order for a block watch or neighborhood watch to work, we need people to participate.
On breaking into cars, yes it's a big problem in many of the subdivisions around here as is vandalism due to bored teens. Most of it is petty stuff (luckily) and done by kids (not all but most).
A security system for your car may help deter them if you put in an aftermarket alarm system on it. Lighting up your property, keeping your bushes and trees trimmed so that your home, driveway, etc is visible to others. Nothing will stop it completely but these things will help.