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National Night Out focuses on residents
Abilene chief aims to foster more vigilance
By Denise Blaz
Sunday, October 2, 2011
It first started with people turning on their porch lights, but on the 30th anniversary of National Night Out — set for 6 p.m. Tuesday — Abilene residents are invited to meet with Abilene Police Department commanders who patrol their area.
"The emphasis this year is totally different," said APD Chief Stan Standridge. "This year we're trying to emphasize that it starts with me. This is less about bragging about APD. This is more about reducing crime in our area. We need the support of our community."
Standridge said residents are the key to helping reduce crimes in the area.
From July 1 through Aug. 31, statistics show 27 robberies were committed, 215 burglaries took place and 225 thefts occurred throughout the city of Abilene.
Statistics show vandalism cases totaling 239 were entered with APD, 374 assaults were reported and 49 aggravated assaults took place.
Sue Heath, a crime-prevention specialist at the Abilene Police Department, explained crime falls in a triangle.
"If someone has the desire to commit a crime, there's nothing you or I can do about it," Heath said. "If someone has the ability to do the crime, there's nothing you or I can do about it. But if someone is given the opportunity to commit a crime, they will probably do it."
Heath said APD is trying to remove a leg of the triangle — the opportunity. In charge of the responsive intelligence division, APD Lt. Brad McGary sees one of the top problems with the city's crime is unlocked vehicles and homes.
"Part of the frustration in our crime is officers go to these calls," said McGary. "Officers work 15 burglaries every week, and 13 out of those 15 are unlocked cars. I kind of look at this as an attempt to put the onus back where it needs to be."
To learn more about the event, and to locate your geo command area, visit www.abilenepolice.org.
The following are locations where APD commanders will be stationed to meet with Abilene residents:
Geo area No. 1: Johnston Elementary, 3602 N. 12th St.
Geo area No. 2: Taylor Elementary, 916 E. North 13th St.
Geo area No. 3: Thomas Elementary, 1240 Lakeside Drive
Geo area No. 4: Bassetti Elementary, 579 Highway 277 South