In todays society the politicians rule this dark world. I really mean to say it is ruled by the underworld. this is satan's territory. I am disappointed in the way the elections turned out and the way the world is speaking in terms of WAR. All that I hear is war. Little boys with their dangerous toys. Their is no social harmony, no justice, no peace in the land, we walk in a world of darkness. Our voices and our vote does not seem to count. One party seems to dominate over the other. Money talks. If you have money you can get away with murder in the land. It is pathetic, the poor people have no voice. I don't understand how they take our youth and strap such heavy artillery on their backs and send them off to foeign lands and say kill for your country. They all have gotten so Patriot since 9-11. Before the buildings fell nobody seemed to care about there fellow man. Now all of a sudden- ''It's we shall not grow tired, we shall not fail. I just don't see the point in all of this politicking.