Keeping Turtle Cove Alive...Part 1 - the BAR

Posted in: Turtle Cove

 I couldn't agree more! My husband and I are in the 30-40 year old age group and find it rediculious that we have to drive across town to Bear Creek, or all the way into Monticello or Covington and spend money elsewhere to have just a few drinks and risk getting a DUI on the way home. Turtle Cove has become very "run down" as I hear others describe the neighborhood and actually had one person say the "club house" is nothing more than a gathering for "ritzy retired folks." Why not liven the place up a little? Make the atmosphere more suitable for ALL ages (21 and up of course) Get a DJ, or even a band every once in a while. Serve more then wine and beer. Some people like a little "kick" in their drinks....... Its just REALLY makes me mad that I have to pay over $300 in dues and cant even enjoy the facility!   

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  • NathanC
  • Valued Neighbor
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I'm young and ready to start pumping life back into the clubhouse! Knowing a bar and decent restaurant are a stone's throw way would give me pause before wasting time and gas to head to Conyers. Imagine the progress we could make if neighbors communed and shared ideas over drinks in the bar or the "catch of the day" in the restaurant. I, for one, am tired of being a stranger in my own community.

nathan, i know this is an older post. i feel the same way.  I too am a stranger. there are lots of interesting people young and old alike. but the older ones have their heads stuck up their butts most of the time. i have older people on the street im on, we get along fine, i will do anything for them, for free. they are older and need help. why cant the board members be the same way?

 well, my husband and I, along with 2 of our friends went one night and had to create our own fun! there were about 15 people in there all over the age of 50. George and Patti (?) were hosting karaoke and it took a while for things to get going. I know everyone can sing what they want but we had to listen to them sing "church" music and then here we come following it up with  "99 problems but a bitch aint 1"! after that the church choir left and we had a BLAST! no one else sang but us made our own fun. Some people were even in there singing filming themselves to probably post on youtube which I would highly recommend they not! LOL but anyways, Yes we were laughed at, talked about and frowned upon and just as we got everyone in there going and having a great time it was like 11 o'clock and they were closing shop!!!!!!! WTH!! atleast give us till 1 if people are there having fun. If its dead, pack it up and go home but to make us leave b/c its past your bedtime was crazy.....needless to say, we haven't been back.

I honestly think the reason alot of the "younger crowd" doesn't go is because of the "older" people that are in there. They look at you like "who are you and what are you doing here?' Or are offended by what we sing or how we dance...get the cork out of your butt grandma and you never know, you and grandpa could go home and have the time of your life.........Just sayn'!

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