Kevin, I made it to the meeting and can pass along a few news items.
Safety tips. Be sure your door frame is secure with LARGE screws so that it cannot be kicked in. Front door kick-ins are happening every day.
Engrave ID on your valuables or write down serial numbers in a safe place.
Report or photograph any graffiti before painting it over. The police need to keep watch for gang activity in our area. Gang graffiti should be reported.
Dues were collected from those who wanted to pay for this year. ($10)
Volunteers are needed to keep the online/phone network going.
Volunteers are also needed for street/ block/ zone captains.
Break-ins in the area are still happening in the mornings between 9-noon. Be alert during those times if you are home and watch out for your neighbors and call the police if you see anything that looks suspicious. Trust your instinct.
Orange Zone Neighbor