To BWW..
I stand corrected on the Boulder County Open Space access for Broomfield Citizens. Thank you. On th subject of this land area; why is it remaining on our Master Plan; when it is not in the city/county limits? This is definitely questionable. Our cost is 6.2 million dollars to be repaid to Boulder County; all part of the package. AND, an additional cost for becoming a county!!! Is this one of the additional costs we are in court for today; is the cost to Adams County District 12 of 5.2 million part of the costs being asked for at state today?
These two issues are not funded by COPS, Block Grants, or state support. Broomfield created this mess to earn votes.
Do I have a problem with BF council being private citizens; only once. When they took the issue of the county to the State Assembly on the ASSUMPTION they could use a NON-BINDING ADVISORY QUESTION as a vote for the county; and keep the public out of the process. Look at the unanticipated expenses; 11.2 million dollars in the above paragraph. Would non-biased citizens have questioned this without further information from the community. You bet. If the passion to become a county was as great as the assumption on the part of the council and city staff; then why not inform the citizens; have public meetings and include several million dollars for emergencies. Or was there a question about the real passion; and this passion obsessed the council into believing they were invincible. You see, money talks, and if there had been such passion in the community; MONEY WOULD NOT BE THE ISSUE OF THIS REPEAL TODAY. After the fact is seldom effective. What we are witnessing from our staff is AN ATTEMPT TO FURTHER DEFRAUD THE ETHIICAL STANDARDS expected of all people in any profession. ONE DECEPTION LEADS TO ANOTHER.
By Br Anonymous
I stand corrected on the Boulder County Open Space access for Broomfield Citizens. Thank you. On th subject of this land area; why is it remaining on our Master Plan; when it is not in the city/county limits? This is definitely questionable. Our cost is 6.2 million dollars to be repaid to Boulder County; all part of the package. AND, an additional cost for becoming a county!!! Is this one of the additional costs we are in court for today; is the cost to Adams County District 12 of 5.2 million part of the costs being asked for at state today?
These two issues are not funded by COPS, Block Grants, or state support. Broomfield created this mess to earn votes.
Do I have a problem with BF council being private citizens; only once. When they took the issue of the county to the State Assembly on the ASSUMPTION they could use a NON-BINDING ADVISORY QUESTION as a vote for the county; and keep the public out of the process. Look at the unanticipated expenses; 11.2 million dollars in the above paragraph. Would non-biased citizens have questioned this without further information from the community. You bet. If the passion to become a county was as great as the assumption on the part of the council and city staff; then why not inform the citizens; have public meetings and include several million dollars for emergencies. Or was there a question about the real passion; and this passion obsessed the council into believing they were invincible. You see, money talks, and if there had been such passion in the community; MONEY WOULD NOT BE THE ISSUE OF THIS REPEAL TODAY. After the fact is seldom effective. What we are witnessing from our staff is AN ATTEMPT TO FURTHER DEFRAUD THE ETHIICAL STANDARDS expected of all people in any profession. ONE DECEPTION LEADS TO ANOTHER.
By Br Anonymous