Copper Basin

Ugly Copper Basin

Posted in: Copper Basin

Is there anyone out there that is as unhappy as I am about how ugly this area is?  All the weeds and trash on Hunt Highway. All the weeds and trash cans all over the development. No safety without street lights. No speed bumps so the kids can play without worrying about being run over.  What about all the animal feces left everywhere. Trees that have never been trimmed. Garbage flying around every time it gets windy. Men sitting shirtless in their driveway drinking beer like it's a trailer park. Men washing their cars shirtless.

These people have no education or breeding.

And, what about the crime? I am afraid to leave my house unattended. I fear for my dogs. There are pyromaniacs, vandals, car thieves, and drug dealers in Copper Basin. One kid had to be airlifted to a hospital because he was on fire. Think he lived in a Meth lab?

Why do people think it is proper to use their garage or driveway as a car mechanic's workshop? Besides that fact that it is not allowed, it is low-class.

And who thinks it's okay to drive up on the sidewalk with a car or truck when retrieving their mail? Only if you don't want to step in the dog excriment.

And, why is it alright to drain your pool onto the sidewalk so it stains the sidewalk permenantly? And leaves dirt all over the cement. And, why don't these people fix the cracks and paint chips left in their walls after the pools were constructed? Because they never lived in a nice neghborhood in their lives. And they have no common sense or decency.

This place is a slum.

  • Stock
  • cezar
  • Valued Neighbor
  • USA
  • 2 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Valued Neighbor

Is there anyone out there that is as unhappy as I am about how ugly this area is?  All the weeds and trash on Hunt Highway. All the weeds and trash cans all over the development. No safety without street lights. No speed bumps so the kids can play without worrying about being run over.  What about all the animal feces left everywhere. Trees that have never been trimmed. Garbage flying around every time it gets windy. Men sitting shirtless in their driveway drinking beer like it's a trailer park. Men washing their cars shirtless.

These people have no education or breeding.

And, what about the crime? I am afraid to leave my house unattended. I fear for my dogs. There are pyromaniacs, vandals, car thieves, and drug dealers in Copper Basin. One kid had to be airlifted to a hospital because he was on fire. Think he lived in a Meth lab?

Why do people think it is proper to use their garage or driveway as a car mechanic's workshop? Besides that fact that it is not allowed, it is low-class.

And who thinks it's okay to drive up on the sidewalk with a car or truck when retrieving their mail? Only if you don't want to step in the dog excriment.

And, why is it alright to drain your pool onto the sidewalk so it stains the sidewalk permenantly? And leaves dirt all over the cement. And, why don't these people fix the cracks and paint chips left in their walls after the pools were constructed? Because they never lived in a nice neghborhood in their lives. And they have no common sense or decency.

This place is a slum.

I could not agree more I moved here 4 years ago and there were nice people moving in at the time. But when they made it no qualifying everything went down hill because people who could not afford to live here were know moving in. I have reported gang activity, people selling drugs out of there houses and kids breaking into the mail boxes. I took pictures of the weeds getting out of control at certain houses I walked by people smoking drugs on there front stairs and laughing at me as I walked by.

What shocked me the most was when I tried to report  these issues I was asked if I had other reasons for reporting these people. It seemed that because the issues were being commeted by a certain ethnic backround no one wanted to enforce the HOA rules.  It didn't matter that what was happening was wrong it mattered that I was reporting someone of a certain ethnic background. I'm sorry but if you are doing something wrong it should not matter what ethnic backround you are. 

Thank you for understanding, Cezar. Wink Race, religion, or ethnicity have nothing to do with anything.

What can you and I do to be a part of the solution?

I can't stand the crime and disrespect. Police officers told me it was "different times." When did morals and values go out of style?

And, how do you build 10,000 homes without a hospital?

I bought a camcorder to film Copper Basin and put it on YouTube. I could use some help with that. The world needs to see what a slum this place is. Especially since McCain wants to be president so badly. He can't even solve problems here. He'll ruin the country. It needs to be exposed. Everyone thinks Arizona is a paradise. It could be a paradise. But, it needs a lot of work. Starting with the educational system or lack thereof.

The drug situation is intolerable. All anyone cares about are the drug smugglers at the border. Eliminate the local dealers and the smugglers won't have anyone to sell to. A 12-year-old two doors down from me was selling weed. And, I watched his brother carry stolen rifles down the street a couple of years ago. Their other brother lived there with his pregnant girlfriend. And, he had another child with another girl in the Valley. They used to sit on the front steps and flick cigarettes into the bushes in the front yard.

Another teenager on the street set fire to the bus stop, vandalized a house and rolled a refrigerator down the street, and stole a car.

I am afraid to live here and since my house is worth nothing I can't move.

Anyone who wants to help me with a video for YouTube, please write.


  • Stock
  • cezar
  • Valued Neighbor
  • USA
  • 2 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Valued Neighbor

I know your frustration but be very careful these kids and adults are not what you would call nice people. Don't make yourself known to your neighbors as the one that reports people. Also don't try and recruit people from this web sight remember they just might be the ones you are reporting and they might be on this site Reading this also. I would report them anonymously with pictures to the HOA web site like I did.

I would file a complaint without my name  with a description of the problem and if I had pictures I down load them with it. Also if it gets to be were you think they know it's you make sure you report it to the police so that it is on record. I have reported issues to the police and they will try there best to help with the issue. Just remember that they need to be as careful as possible because the people that you are dealing with might try and make it look like a race issue against them. Most of the time the police will be the first ones that will be blamed.

Remember the cops have it worse then we think they try and do there job and the laws protect the ones they arrest. Then you have honest people like us asking for help and the police have to be real careful what they do and say. They know there will always be some idiot that will try and make the cops look like the bad guy and on your side. But the police are there to help you so use them for help when you need them.

Hang In There


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