Country Side HOA

10-18-98 REF. 199 Broomfield

Posted in: Country Side
To All

I recognize that your current effort is not about the jail. But, I would appreciate knowing if anyone still has concerns about the jail.

Br Anon or BBW ???

I have a question for either of you and hope you can shed some light on the subject...I was out petitioning and had a lady from Broomfield jump at the chance to sign the petition. She said she felt she has been lied to and was misinformed when she voted last year...hmmmm sounds like a lot of people feel this way, but she said she was most upset that Broomfield CC had promised a new recreation and senior center and now that promise is on the back burner because of the skyrocketing costs of becoming a county. She said a lot of Broomfield people are really upset about that. I just wondered if either of you had more information on this or could give me your opinion...thanks!

By linda

Concerns? YES!!! As a mother of two small children and a resident of Countryside, yes I am concerned...But lets face it, the jail is being built as we speak and there is nothing this repeal is going to do about it. I am concerned about the contamination possibility at the GWR for my family but I know that battle is even harder than the one we are currently fighting-just asks the residents of the Shattock site in Denver.

By the way that is exactly what we are telling people when they ask about the is currently being built and this repeal is not going to effect that! Question for you... what does BF plan to do with the building when we are successful in 2000? How are they going to recoup their 10.5million? Your thoughts would be much appreciated here.

Lets talk about the whole process of siting that jail shall we? That is an example of what this is about...
1. The site at GWR was already selected in the feasibility study in 1998. Why weren?’t we involved back then?

2. The first site selection report was also biased from the beginning. Isn?’t it interesting that of the five sites GWR was the only one that had no mention of the residents that would be effected? This report was based on the jail being closer than one mile to my house at the time yet did not mention the 3,000 residents of Countryside as being effected. Yet, by the site selection criteria alone, we should have been included. I guess the committee meant Broomfield residents.

The committee was made up of all city employees except for Vorhees and Associates. Doesn?’t that seem a little biased to you?

The report used to site the jail was prepared by the justice department on how to successfully site a jail. One of the firsts steps 1. Include the residents closest to the jail in the process so they can feel comfortable with the jail. THIS clearly was not done and I feel if BF had handled this process differently from the beginning, BF would not be in this predicament now!

3. Broomfield collected the soil samples used by the EPA to come to the conclusion of low contamination. This in itself is scary?…

4. Louisville residents were left out of the loop on the jail. Yes I know it was partly their fault, we tried to contact them in May about the jail and at that time the mayor was not interested. Again, this is an example of a mayor underestimating the concerns of the citizens she is supposed to represent. My point is, they did not get involved until the last meeting and the mayor and two townsmen begged the BF city council for more time and were slapped in the face by BF when they made their unanimous decision at midnight.

Here is just another example of Broomfield not caring about the neighboring communities.

5. City of Westminster officials and members of Citizens for Fair Decisions tried to get on the City Council Agenda numerous times and were shut out! The one time they did speak, they were thrown out of the meeting. It seems a resident got a little emotional about the issue and BF decided her opinion wasnt useful so they threw her out. (I was not at that meeting but I think she was upset because her daughter was attacked or raped by an inmate that escaped from a county jail) Lets just say after that it was impossible to get on their agenda. The second time we were allowed to actually address the Council was at the last meeting. BF had already made up their mind where they were putting that jail by then! Please?…

Everyone else please chime in! I know there are more examples of BF screwing up when it came to the site selection of the jail please add to the list?…

To BBW, the repeal is not about the jail-it is about the way BF handled the process to site the jail and various other things as already mentioned on this board. I hope this list helps you to understand that.

By Linda
The "J" Word

I fully realize that repeal will have no affect on the jail. BF is building the jail at the Carlson Site ... period. That has been made very clear to us - and frankly we knew that back in late July.

What sicken's me is the brand of leadership in local governemt (both Westy CC and BF CC) that did not fairly represent our interests in the jail siting process. We all know that. Westy CC knows it - as does BF CC. Of course they aren't going to admit they did something wrong; they did it with complete intention. So now I won't turn my head and assume that local officials are looking out for the citizens who elected them - or that they basically want to do the right thing. (my naivety nausiates even me)

I always believed that the land at the GWR would be maintained as Open Space. I didn't even know that Broomfield owned it - (or could own it). I just assumed that, because of the known contaminations, no one would EVER build out there - Certainly not a City smart enough to predict huge future liabilities.

On the issue of the jail specifically - I do feel better that they won't be dumping the releasees at my bus stop (trusting you here, BBW). That was a biggy for me. Other than that, I just try not to think about it because there isn't a single thing I can do about it - it's in the hands of those CC members that I and my BF neighbors put into office - ignorantly.

PS. It is interesting to me that every Broomfield resident I've ever talked to on the topic of the jail feel we were treated unfairly by there CC on that issue. I don't think BF CC came out of that deal with a look of integrety from anyone's perspective.

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