Country Side HOA

Repeal Broomfield County

Posted in: Country Side

Big surprise........
BF CC still up to the same 'ol tricks.
NO public hearings about the library?
"Just do it" and hope that the sheep keep sleeping.
That's the BF CC motto, isn't it?

I agree with Ann. The BF residents aren't stupid.
It is a full time job, to keep up with the questionable behavior of that council. The average citizen dosen't have the time nor the resources to battle such antics.
That is what the BF CC counts on.

Hopefully, it will all catch-up with them - sooner than later.
These sheep, (CVELG) are awake.

By Chris

Perhaps Linda F. Ward 5 representative on the City Council of Broomfield, also known as "JOHN" is afraid of the success of CVLEG. A little poem for her and her fellow council and mayor:

Rock a bye baby,
In the treetop,
When the wind blows,
The cradle will rock.
When the bough breaks,
The cradle will fall,
And down will Come COUNCIL,

By BrAnon
? For John

Did BF just annex land in erie? Known as the Becky property located at Highway 52 and county line road?
Applause Applause !!!!!

Love that one BA!!! Love it Love it !!!

Notice how Linda still thinks there is a Superior connection. That group threw up their hands in disgust long ago.

As an aside: The Q posed by Anon: I'll dig on the Erie question. Certainly if council did that, it should be an agenda item and in council minutes. Unless they hid it in another city employee's report somewhere.

We can count on Looney Linda to side step the question and hurl accusations of cowardice & crashing.

What a bore.

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