Please - stop the pooping!

Posted in: Washington Park East
I wish people would stop letting their dogs use my yard as their bathroom! Pick up after your dog. I was having some friends over the other day and we decided to play volleyball in the front yard. By the end of the game, everyone had dog poo on their shoes and lower extremities. My friend Cooper wasn't wearing any shoes! Now my friends make fun of me and call me ''dog poo'' or ''poo feet''. Please - stop dumping in my yard!!!

By Anon

People think it is so charming to ''walk'' their pet. What they are really doing is spreading around the mess, so they don't have to clean it out of their yard. It makes me furious when they pass me with one or two dogs on (or off) the leash, and give me their big friendly smile. PULEEZE! If I wanted to clean up after a pet, I would own one. There seems to be nothing to do about this but clean it up . . . any idea?

By Tired of the poo, too.

1) We could institute a ''poop police force'' (PPF) in the neighborhood. We can give out tickets to people who don't pick up after their dogs. Then they can use the tickets to pick up the dog poo. All the proceeds from the tickets could go to the neighborhood organizers for beautifications and anti-poop signs. Then we could sell the idea to every neighborhood in Denver, receive a small percentage of their proceeds, thereby making us all alot of money. This money would then enable us to deploy this plan in every major city in the US (United States) and we'd be really rich. If done properly, we could even deploy this in other countries and go after the global market.

2) We could have ''dog poop stations'' at the corners of each block in our neighborhood. These stations would dispense poop bags for a quarter. We could then use my marketing techniques in #1 above and deploy this nationally then globally.

3) We could pick up the poop from our front yards, collect it in bags and dump it on the lawns or front porches or cars of dog owners who don't pick up after their dogs.

I think all of my strategies above are something the neighborhood organizers should consider in their next meeting. Let's get this discussion rolling folks! I'll check back to this discussion board in 6 months.

Obviously a dog owner, who wants to protect his dog's right to mess in any yard the dog chooses - what's a non owner to do? Pick up the mess and get on with life. Not worth all this energy.
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