Eggers Acres Community

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 This website is no longer in use for Egger Acres in Round Rock, TX.  Please visit .  Updated on 04/14/14

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Garage Sale

We are having a garage sale Saturday, August 26th from 7am to 3pm. Please check under community calendar for a more detailed write up on what we are selling. more
Started: August 23rd 2006Replies: 0

National Night Out; Aug. 1st,

On Tuesday, August 1st, RR and towns throughout the country will be participating in National Night Out. Neighbors are asked to lock their doors, turn on their outside lights, and spend an evening... more
Started: June 22nd 2006Replies: 2


I'm curious to know what do you think about this web page. Do you feel that it is easy to navigate? Is there something that you really like or dislike about the site? What can be added to make it... more
Started: May 9th 2006Replies: 2

Eggers Acres Community Real Estate and Home Values

See the Latest Real Estate Information about this Neighborhood

Instant Home Value

203k FHA Loan FAQ
Disrepair2sm The FHA 203K program has been utilized as a primary tool in revitalizing run down properties and neighborhoods. This FAQ will answer many questions that a prospective buyer might have. What is the FHA 203K...
Tags: HomeownerFHA LoanMortgage203K

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
How Can My Community Prevent Child Abuse?
Leaf_logothumb The Office on Child Abuse and Neglect (OCAN), a division of the Children's Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), takes the Federal lead in the...
Tags: CommunitySafetyChildrenStaff Pick
An Effective Meeting Agenda
Quickagenda_th We all know that some Board meetings can run longer then necessary. In most cases, though, Board meetings should take no longer than two hours. In order to conduct an effective meeting, you need to...
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