Frenchtown Woods Maintenance Corp.

Drugs in Frenchtown Woods

Posted in: Frenchtown Woods

Has anyone else noticed drug deals going on in Frenchtown Woods?  Its a shame because there are a lot of nice families in here.

Yes I am having the same problems. My oldest son has been addicted to hard drugs for quite some time now and has recently gotten so bad that it has been drastically affecting is daily life and ambitions. It mostly likely has something to do with the fact that he has recently been acquiring his fix from inside our own neighborhood. I hate to have invaded his privacy by reading his text messages but it seems that he has been getting the drugs from older balding man that meets him on some type of electric scooter or even an electric bike. It's sad that this drug problem is both internal and is masterminded by a 40+ year old who surely understands how wrong drug dealing is. And this isn't marijuana I'm talking about...I have only caught my son with cocaine and heroin. The cocaine was the drug my son proclaims he has gotten from frenchtown woods...from one of his own neighbors. Please parents watch out for this man, I believe he is a father himself (as terrible as it sounds) but don't let him fool you, this man is not nice! Please post any more info you hear on this man; hopefully we will have enough to put him behind bars if we work together.
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A couple of times this spring and summer I have found a couple of young teenagers behind my shed on Bastille Loop smoking pot.  I ran them off.  They weren't necessarily harming anything but they were pretty brazen about it.


And speaking of criminal activity, at the end of June someone stole my wallet from my car in my driveway.  I swore I locked it but there was no forced entry.  It was in my center armrest.  The glove box was opened and another storage area but nothing else was taken.  There was no money in the wallet - just credit cards (which weren't used by the thief).  I was parked under security lights that were on all night.  A week later my neighbor across the street reported his son left his truck unlocked and someone had gone through it but nothing was taken (glove box rifled through, etc.).


It's going downhill here...

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A teen ran my doorbell late one Saturday night asking for money because he was out of gas.  I gave him $10, he was polite, said thank you, then ran off behind a tree and hopped on his bike.  Tongue out  Honestly I would've given him $10 if he didn't mention any car, but hey, judgement day is coming.


About five years ago, someone tried to crowbar my doorframe to get into my car.  I guess it was to get to my radio, because that's the only thing in there less than 20 years old (it's still 10 years old).  The frame was pulled out very amateur-style and had heard of a truck pulling in from Route 40 with younger guys tampering with cars (not locals).  Clearly not pro-theives or such.


A decade ago someone broke into my shed and stole three bikes.



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