Garden City Neighbors

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wheres the keys?? more
Started: May 14th 2003Replies: 0

lawn care

Hello, I am looking to Aerate and Overseed the lawn. Can anyone recommend a good company?   Thanks, JT more
Started: April 14th 2020Replies: 0

Neighbors upset

We just moved into our first home last December, everything has been going well.  We love being part of the community, and are taking pride in home ownership.  Today, we received a note on... more
Started: April 9th 2019Replies: 0

Garden City Neighbors Real Estate and Home Values

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A Guide for First Time Homebuyers
Classifiedsm Neighborhood Link has created a series of articles for the first time home buyer that will help guide you through this exciting but some times overwhelming process. Buying Your First Home! Buying your first...

Neighborhood Resource Guide

Find essential information for homeowners, associations, and the community.
Get Out Of Debt!
Debtreliefsm Six steps to help you eliminate debt for good. Impulse buys. Emergency car repairs. Unexpected medical bills. There are many reasons we fall into debt. Once you’re in that hole, it can seem nearly...
U.S. Senators of the 112th Congress
Us_senate_seal           Senators of the 112th Congress The 112th Congress is seated from January 3, 2011, to January 3, 2013 when the winners of the 2012 elections will be sworn into...
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