Germantown Oaks Neighborhood Watch

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Our association is a group of neighbors who take the initiative to help prevent crime, bring united action to civil problems, maintain our properties, and promote peace and tranquility in our community.

Your involvement would contribute to the success of these goals. You're welcome to participate with us at our monthly meetings.  Our meetings are held in conjunction with the Ridgeway Area Neighborhood Watch, held at the Ridgeway Police Station on the last Monday of the month (except holidays).  The Ridgeway Station link below lists the dates and times. 

 Join our Email Group.



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Check out Crime Report Link

Started: May 16th 2011Replies: 0

Cancelled: National Night Out Party

Due to heat we will cancel the National Night Out Activity for tonight.  Maybe try something in the fall. more
Started: August 3rd 2010Replies: 0

Email Group Address

If you tried in the past to join the email group and didn't get a response or an error message I know why.   I misspelled the email address.  It has now been corrected. more
Started: April 4th 2010Replies: 0

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Neighborhood Resource Guide

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