Pursuant to the vote at the 2006 Kesslebrooke Station Annual Meeting, each year one position for the Kesslebrooke Station Board of Directors or "Trustee" will either be vacant or up for re-election for a three-year term. Any homeowner within Kesslebrooke Station who is in good standing (meaning their account is not delinquent and they have no current HOA violations outstanding) is eligible to run for the open position.
This year, the position currently occupied by Steve Koehrsen (114 Tabilore Loop) is up for election. Below is a link to the nomination form to challenge or fulfill that position, which must be received by March 7, 2008. If you have someone in mind that you think would be a good candidate for that position, or if you would like to run for the position yourself, please fill out the form and send it to the Kesslebrooke Station HOA at the address listed below or send it electronically to kesslebrookeHOA@aol.com. You may also deliver the form in person to any of the current trustees no later than March 7, 2008. Once the forms are received, a notice will be sent to the individuals who have been nominated to inform them of the nomination and request them to submit a biographical/personal statement if they are interested in running for the position.