Little Spring Farm Neighborhood

4th of July

Posted in: Little Spring Farm
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  • keelings
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Louisville, KY
  • 26 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

So many neighbors have expressed interest in having a Fourth of July gathering, like the one we had for Memorial Day, that we decided to put one together.  Here are some of the plans.

Friday - July 4th - any time after the pool opens.

We will have access to the downstairs hall where tables will be available for the food.

 We are going to put together a corn-hole tournament if enough people sign up.  It will be the same as last time - name drawing for teams, $5 fee and winning team split all.  If anyone has a corn-hole set please bring it. We are going to try to have 4 sets going.

  Food:  Everyone bring a dish, drinks, plates and utensils.  Instead of bringing meat to grill we are telling people to bring stuff like Fried Chicken, BBQ Beef, BBQ Chicken or any kind if main course that does not need to be grilled.  

We have talked to the lifeguards Natalie & Ryan, the two lifeguards that are on duty for that evening, and they are going to keep the pool open until they can no longer see the bottom (this is a rule they have to abide by).  Once the pool closes we can move over to the gated area in front of the bathrooms to watch fireworks. They are going keep that area open until after the fireworks are over. Since Natalie & Ryan are planning on doing this on their own time, I will be collecting donations to give them at the end of the night.   There are a number of families that are planning on bringing fireworks to share with everyone.

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