Lone Hills Estates

Sound wall updates

Posted in: Sunnyhills
Background: As part of the I-680 Widening Project to add southbound carpool lanes, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency (ACCMA) are preparing the design of soundwalls in several locations between Calaveras Boulevard/Route 237 in Milpitas and Mission Boulevard/Route 238 in Fremont. The purpose of these soundwalls is to reduce current and future noise levels as identified in the environment document for the I-680 Widening Project. The walls are funded by
ACCMA and the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) and ACCMA is responsible for design and construction.

At previous public meetings in which the southbound I-680 corridor
environmental studies were discussed, community members requested soundwalls
be constructed as soon as possible.

There are two segments of soundwalls originally proposed in Milpitas along
the west side of I-680:

* SB-1 between Calaveras Blvd. and
Tularcitos Creek south of Jacklin Road. Caltrans and ACCMA representatives
indicated earlier this year that this wall might not be built because it did
not meet Caltrans funding guidelines. Subsequent discussions have resulted
in the commitment from VTA representations that they will seek funding for it.

Milpitas also has requested that the existing wall in this area be removed
to provide additional space for landscaping along Hillview Drive adjacent to the wall and to eliminate potential maintenance problems.

* SB-2 between Jacklin Road and Sunnyhills. Sunnyhills residents and Milpitas staff have requested that the wall be extended further north to afford them noise relief. VTA staff has indicated that they will also pursue this proposal.

In addition, at the request of residents just north of Jacklin the wall previously proposed at the bottom of the slope is now planned to be placed at the top of slope

Earliest Wall Construction Schedule: February 2003 to December 2003 (SB1
and 2. The design of the requested walls north of SB 2 in the Sunnyhills
area has not yet commenced and construction would be later).\

Current Status/Activity:

* Caltrans, ACCMA and VTA representatives are evaluating ways to
finance the needed walls. A vote of the California Transportation
Commission is scheduled in November to reallocate funds for full funding of
the SB 1 wall.
* Caltrans is evaluating a request by a resident to extend the SB 1
wall further north behind the shopping center just south of Jacklin Road.

For more information please contact: City of Milpitas Engineering: 586-3300
or email to City Engineer Mike McNeely at mmcneely@ci.milpitas.ca.gov

Or visit the City's website at

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By City of Milpitas-Mike McNeely
needed walls

it is a very interesting issue l hope that CalTran.
ca do something about the 680 sound barrier. the
noise of vewicles in the freeway is a nuisance and
it is unacceptable.


By Bernie
Need to light a fire

We need to kick start this issue into a higher gear to get anything done with the current state budget I think we are going to get the short end.

By Neil
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