Mansion Farm


Posted in: Mansion Farm
Thank you for providing the information re: Fencing. The color options shown and those of many of the other vinyl or composite fencing companies might be a match to natural wood fencing. However, the split-rail 3 rail design required is not offered. The ??œRanch Rail??? is a flat rail design with 2 rails and would not comply with the Deed Restrictions.

So it is the single responsibility of an resident to identify a Delaware company that offers the fencing that the MFMC "beliees" meet the deed restrictions? Seems to me the Board to provide a list of approved vendors that provide a fence meeting the deed restrictions for efficiency. 


Also,it was stated that if this had been brought up/followed up on then could have been on the agenda. But I also see it was said that this was brought up. So both can't be true.


Typical non answer from Jean/ the board. Unless she has a chance to enforce the ridiculous deed restrictions, the answer is always "we are working on it", "thats why we have to increase dues" or they tell you what you need to do about it. I often wonder what it is the board DOES actually do.


By the way Jean, why dont you enforce the deed restriction violations along Duke Dr regarding statues and trampololines?


"Sections 13. Yards. No statues, sculptures, painted trees, ornaments, or REPLICAS OF ANIMALS or other like objects may be affixed to or placed on any lot or building."


"Section 14. Trampolines. No trampolines of any kind whatsoever shall be enforced or maintained on any lot."


Either enforce ALL of the deed restrictions or dont enforce any.




I agree with you....what is hurting us as a whole it that everyone gets on Social Media sites to complain but don't show up to meetings and make their voices heard. Our household goes to the meetings...missed the last one due to work schedules.My hubby says the meetings are tough...inefficient and alot of blah blah.


So many of us have children , jobs etc and don't have alot of extra time at home to spend making others lives miserable.


A sense of Power without accountability or a sense of community/flexibility is not a good mix for a Board.

Bear, Delaware 19701