Once again a well reasond argument place into the mix for your thoughful consideration.
Go forth and do likewise,speak to the issue critise the issue but repesct the individuals right to be heard.
Not everyone is a liberal not everyone is a conservative there are postions in the middle .
In the event of harassing name calling take note of who's doig it and ask why?
Then when they are held accountable don't let them become your victim.
Everyone has a right to be heard, and to present a point of view, even if it is unpopular to some....
Think about it.
Once again a well reasond argument place into the mix for your thoughful consideration.
Go forth and do likewise,speak to the issue critise the issue but repesct the individuals right to be heard.
Not everyone is a liberal not everyone is a conservative there are postions in the middle .
In the event of harassing name calling take note of who's doig it and ask why?
Then when they are held accountable don't let them become your victim.
Everyone has a right to be heard, and to present a point of view, even if it is unpopular to some....
Think about it.