i suggested to Ira, a bit late i guess, that the sub-committee for the by-law revisions look over by-laws of the other neighborhood associations at neighborhood services. i talked to Shauna, and they are not all in one convenient place or binder, but rather in folders for ea NA. I did similar research for the first tree grant. The two sub-committee members could breeze thru the 100 to 200 folders pretty quickly.
My thought is that MPWNA may be the far exception rather than the rule that businesses are included in the NA. An alternative is to eliminate business membership in the NA.
I also think that 'residents' of households and rentals should be defined a little better. I think 'adults' is appropriate, and then also maybe '2' per household/rental unit, etc. or something like that. there are 275 houses in MPWNA. some have 1/2 addresses that are rentals also, no actual count on this that i know of. this should be considered too.
also, one day notification for a board meeting to members of the board seems too short.
also, board meetings are 'open to the public' , not just MPWNA residents. we need to keep in mind the 'AZ public meeting laws', since we are reconized by the city and elegible for grant money from the city, we have to follow them. true only board members can vote at board meetings.
also we should be consistent as to use of titles thru out the by-laws. 'Chair', etc.
also- suggest establishing a calendar for the quarterley, general association meetings. the gap of july thru sept will continue to pose problems, and the rationale escapes me. for ex: Jan....April.....July.......October...or ?