I don't know how many of you live out on or past HWY 61 North but I'm totally baffled why anyone with a lick of common sense would up the speed limit to 65 right before a bunch of people need to start turning..and then to add to the moronicness of the situation put a ''slower traffic keep right'' ..Oh yeah I'm going to go to the right to try to get over to the left in order to turn. NOT! So I've got people riding my bumper as I put my turning signal on early enough not to get run over. Then I have a 19 year old that needs to be in the same position when she drives...where is the common sense in this? Out to the nice little Welcome to Muscatine is city limits...SLOW IT DOWN! Nobody drives 65 in town.
Thanks for the vent!
- gohawks
- Respected Neighbor
- Muscatine, IA
- 132 Posts
Don't Think So?
If you don't think anyone drives 65 in town then, you don't live on Leroy!
Hey, if you live on a state highway, you're going to have to live with it. I'd suggest using the Bible camp road from hiway 38 instead of 61. It's probably nearly as fast as there are no stop lights, and a good deal safer for your daughter.
- dizz
- Valued Neighbor
- 5 Posts
Live by the High School
I agree, you will have to live with it. Try living by the High School. The average speed by a High School driver is atleast 10 mph over the speed limit and that is the slow drivers. Your 19 yr. old probably drives faster than you do. You just don't know it
- fyi2
- Respected Neighbor
- Wilton, Iowa
- 282 Posts
Drive what the signs indicate....too simple?!!? SIMPLETON? Put your cell phone and ''J'' down..........