
not dumb enough to fall for it anymore!

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Former CNN Reporter (Amber Lyon) threatened & silenced by CNN reveals CNN Lies & War Propaganda


Disinfo Degenerates - Media Monopolies Manipulating Masses

Several huge corporations own networks and newspapers in the US. How much of the content do they control? RT's Anastasia Churkina reports.

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respect their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a WORLD GOVERNMENT. The supranational sovereignty of an INTELLECTUAL ELITE and WORLD BANKERS is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."
- David Rockefeller


WAR PR History Of Media Manipulation To Rile Public To Support Wars Based On Lies & Fake Reasons


How to Start a War: The American Use of War Pretext Incidents.
by Richard Sanders "Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive!" Sir Walter Scott, Marmion. Canto vi. Stanza 17 Pretext n. [Latin praetextum, pp. of praetextere, to weave before, pretend, disguise; prae-, before + texere, to weave], a false reason or motive put forth to hide the real one; excuse. Stratagem [Gr. Strategema, device or act of a general; stratos, army + agein, to lead], a trick, scheme or device used for deceiving an enemy in war.

Throughout history, war planners have used various forms of deception to trick their enemies. Because public support is so crucial to the process of initiating and waging war, the home population is also subject to deceitful stratagems. The creation of false excuses to justify going to war is a major first step in constructing public support for such deadly ventures. Perhaps the most common pretext for war is an apparently unprovoked enemy attack. Such attacks, however, are often fabricated, incited or deliberately allowed to occur. They are then exploited to arouse widespread public sympathy for the victims, demonize the attackers and build mass support for military "retaliation."

Like schoolyard bullies who shout 'He hit me first!', war planners know that it is irrelevant whether the opponent really did 'throw the first punch.' As long as it can be made to appear that the attack was unprovoked, the bully receives license to 'respond' with force. Bullies and war planners are experts at taunting, teasing and threatening their opponents. If the enemy cannot be goaded into 'firing the first shot,' it is easy enough to lie about what happened. Sometimes, that is sufficient to rationalize a schoolyard beating or a genocidal war.

Such trickery has probably been employed by every military power throughout history. During the Roman empire, the causes of war -- cassus belli -- were often invented to conceal the real reasons for war. Over the millennia, although weapons and battle strategies have changed greatly, the deceitful strategem of using pretext incidents to ignite war has remained remarkably consistent.

Pretext incidents, in themselves, are not sufficient to spark wars. Rumors and allegations about the tragic events must first spread throughout the target population. Constant repetition of the official version of what happened, spawns dramatic narratives that are lodged into public consciousness. The stories become accepted without question and legends are fostered. The corporate media is central to the success of such 'psychological operations.' Politicians rally people around the flag, lending their special oratory skills to the call for a military "response." Demands for "retaliation" then ring out across the land, war hysteria mounts and, finally, a war is born.

Every time the US has gone to war, pretext incidents have been used. Upon later examination, the conventional perception of these events is always challenged and eventually exposed as untrue. Historians, investigative journalists and many others, have cited eyewitness accounts, declassified documents and statements made by the perpetrators themselves to demonstrate that the provocative incidents were used as stratagems to stage-manage the march to war.

Here are a few particularly blatant examples of this phenomenon.

1846: The Mexican-American War

CONTEXT After Mexico's revolution in 1821, Americans demanded about $3,000,000 in compensation for their losses.1 Mexico abolished slavery in 1829 and then prohibited further U.S. immigration into Texas, a Mexican state. In 1835, Mexico tried to enforce its authority over Texas. Texans, rallying under the slogan "Remember the Alamo!", drove Mexican troops out of Texas and proclaimed independence. For nine years, many Texans lobbied for US annexation. This was delayed by northerners who opposed adding more slave territories to the US and feared a war with Mexico.2

In 1844, Democratic presidential candidate, James Polk, declared support for annexing Texas and won with the thinnest margin ever.3 The following year, Texas was annexed and Mexico broke off diplomatic relations with the US. Polk sent John Slidell to Mexico offering $25 million for New Mexico, California and an agreement accepting the Rio Grande boundary. Mexican government officials refused to meet the envoy.4

PRETEXT John Stockwell, a Texan who led the CIA's covert 1970s war in Angola, summed up the start of Mexican American war by saying "they offered two dollars-a-head to every soldier who would enlist. They didn't get enough takers, so they offered a hundred acres to anyone who would be a veteran of that war. They still didn't get enough takers, so [General] Zachary


Ending The Financial And Information Siege of America And Planet Earth





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Israeli Propaganda, Profiting off Occupation, Consumerist America


EPISODE BREAKDOWN: On this episode of breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to Spokesman for the Israeli Prime Minister, Alex Selsky, about his criticisms of RT's coverage of the conflict between Israel and Gaza. Abby then talks to Anna Baltzer, National Organizer for the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, about the divestment initiative, which calls out corporations that profit financially from the Israeli occupation of Palestine. BTS wraps up the show with a look at the consumption-driven holiday known as 'Black Friday' and highlights a few of the more memorable Black Friday moments in recent years.


listen to the spokes person say there's no blockade in the begining and then admit there is a blockade and it's hard to get construction material. they say palestine broke the ceasefire when in fact it was israel . They bombed the hamas leader just with the peace deal in his hands!!!! the spokes person says they should build homes and infrastructure, but there's a blockade. He says they should build homes and gardens, he means rebuild homes after they're bombed or bulldozed, and with what there's a blockade !!!



Hamas wants end to blockade in cease-fire talks, official says


Israeli peace activist: Hamas leader Jabari killed amid talks on long-term truce


Hamas chief JABARI was holding peace deal as IDF strike DESTROYED his car


Cynthia McKinney Speaks on Return to U.S. After Being Held by Israel


Former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney speaks on her arrival in Washington, D.C., on July 7, 2009. McKinney had been held in an Israeli prison for trying to deliver humanitarian relief supplies to the Gaza strip. crayons she wanted children to have crayons and israel detained her for seven days..


Gaza Flotilla ATTACKED: Israel Storms Aid Ship, 9 Dead


JERUSALEM (AP) - Israeli naval commandos stormed a flotilla of ships carrying aid and hundreds of pro-Palestinian activists to the blockaded Gaza Strip on Monday, killing nine passengers in a botched raid that provoked international outrage and a diplomatic crisis.

Dozens of activists and six Israeli soldiers were wounded in the bloody predawn confrontation in international waters. The violent takeover dealt yet another blow to Israel's international image, already tarnished by war crimes accusations in Gaza and its 3-year-old blockade of the impoverished Palestinian territory.


yet in the original video above the spokes person for the prime minsters office says there's no blockade!!!! and who is the violent ones, they attacked an aid ship and killed nine people of which one was an American and 19 yrs old!!!!


Israel-Hamas tensions: Israeli troops shoot Palestinian man



UN Report On Israel Flotilla Killings - BBC News 22 Sept 2010



How does a defensive action result in the total conquest of someone else's lands? The answer is that it does not. Israel is the aggressor. The maps of Israel then and now prove it.



There are indications that today's gunfire along the Israeli border with Gaza won't derail the cease-fire that took effect on Wednesday.

Israeli troops opened fire to push back crowds in Gaza that were surging toward the border fence. One Palestinian was killed and 19 were wounded.

But Hamas security had tried to defuse the situation and keep the crowds away from the border.

In the past, Israel's military kept Palestinians from getting close to the fence. Soldiers routinely opened fire on people who got within a 300-yard-wide zone that was meant to keep infiltrators from getting into Israel.

Since the cease-fire, growing numbers of Gazans had entered that zone, amid expectations that the restrictions would now be lifted.

Most of those approaching the fence today were young men. But the crowds also included farmers who were hoping they could once again farm their lands in the buffer zone.

Before Wednesday's truce, eight days of fighting killed 166 Palestinians and six Israelis.

Egypt is hosting separate talks with Israeli and Hamas envoys on the next phase of the cease-fire -- a new border agreement.

In Israel, meanwhile, a poll suggests that about half of Israelis think their government should have continued its military offensive.

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RAMALLAH, West Bank, Nov. 24 (UPI) -- A Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations is alleging Israel broke a cease-fire by opening fire on 20 farmers in a field in the Gaza Strip Friday.

Riyad Mansour made the complaint that Israel broke a 2-day-old cease-fire that followed eight days of shooting and shelling between the two sides, the Palestinian Ma'an news agency reported.

A 20-year-old man was killed and 19 others were wounded in Friday's incident, Mansour said

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Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations is alleging Israel broke a cease-fire by opening fire on 20 farmers in a field in the Gaza Strip Friday.

Riyad Mansour made the complaint that Israel broke a 2-day-old cease-fire that followed eight days of shooting and shelling between the two sides, the Palestinian Ma'an news agency reported.

A 20-year-old man was killed and 19 others were wounded in Friday's incident, Mansour said.

At least 170 Palestinians and six Israelis were killed in the eight-day conflict, the report said.

Palestinian Authority President and Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas has kept his distance from the issue in Gaza, which is run by the rival Hamas party, the BBC said.

Instead, he has asked for a vote of the U.N. General Assembly to grant Palestinians observer status that would that open doors to international court proceedings against Israel, the report said.

Observers told the BBC said it appears Abbas has the necessary two-thirds majority at the United Nations to gain non-voting status.

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Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations is alleging Israel broke a cease-fire by opening fire on 20 farmers in a field in the Gaza Strip Friday.

Riyad Mansour made the complaint that Israel broke a 2-day-old cease-fire that followed eight days of shooting and shelling between the two sides, the Palestinian Ma'an news agency reported.

A 20-year-old man was killed and 19 others were wounded in Friday's incident, Mansour said.

At least 170 Palestinians and six Israelis were killed in the eight-day conflict, the report said.

Palestinian Authority President and Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas has kept his distance from the issue in Gaza, which is run by the rival Hamas party, the BBC said.

Instead, he has asked for a vote of the U.N. General Assembly to grant Palestinians observer status that would that open doors to international court proceedings against Israel, the report said.

Observers told the BBC said it appears Abbas has the necessary two-thirds majority at the United Nations to gain non-voting status.

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