
Bob Costas

Posted in: Muscatine
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Here's how I envision that football scene to play out.   I'm sitting there enjoying the game with my same sex partner.   You're sitting 8 rows behind me.   A guy a couple of rows ahead of me pulls out his gun.   You've been sort of paying attention to the game but luckily do see him before he fires so you remove your weapon from where you were hugging it to your breast and you put a bullet through the guy.   Unfortunately it continues on through two other students, killing both.

There's another gun lover sitting 8 seats to your left who sees you start shooting and killing three people.  He assumes the worst, (correctly) that you're a crazy gun nut, and stands up and shoots you.   You return fire before dying.  Others of your ilk notice all the shooting and start to also shoot the shooters.   Of the 50,000 in the stands, maybe only 10 or 20 are fatally shot before it stops.   Of course, what would stop it?   How would all the shooters know which were good and which were bad shooters.   Do you boys have a secret sign to let others know you're a nice guy and shouldn't be shot?

If I was a liberal and involved in those scenarios, I'd do the liberal thing. I'd take out my cell phone, assuming it wasn't already stuck to my head, dial 911, spend the next 15 minutes talking to some dispatcher, should they answer. Then try to stay out of sight for another 15+ minutes until the police get there and end the situation, one way or another. Then, if my phone had a camera, I'd photograph all the bodies, post it on facebook, get interviewed by all the TV networks, write a book promoting gun control. That would get me even more TV interviews and on talk shows. Then I'd run for political office as a 'crat gun control freak, embrace homosexuality, abortion, socialism, more government control over everyone's lives, and uncontrolled spending while working to undermine religion in the USA at the same time flooding the country with illegals and preping America for martial law.

I think I've seen law enforcement already in the stands or on the field.  No half hour wait required.  

Now tell us why my vision of events is not possible.




To some extent, my vision IS happening, right now as I type.

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"Lotta meandering discussion on how to fix an old gun.    Why?"


It's called "context".  Ever heard of it?


It makes the salient points about the original poster's miserable life,  the penalty he would pay for carrying a firearm and the danger he faces just going out on the street.....all under a socialist government, more meaningful.  It points out how desperate he his.   It's a good illustration of where your type wants to take the U.S.



noun \kän-tekst\

Definition of CONTEXT

1: the parts of a discourse that surround a word or passage and can throw light on its meaning
2: the interrelated conditions in which something exists or occurs : environment, setting <the historical context of the war>
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And "scenarios"?  You want scenarios?


How about these.  They are not imaginary.  They happened:


November 16, 2012

Store owner fatally shoots armed criminal, The Houston Chronicle, Houston, Texas 11/14/12, KTRK, Houston, Texas 11/15/12

A robber armed with a handgun entered a cell phone store in Houston, Texas and attempted to rob the owner. The owner responded by retrieving a gun and firing at the criminal, striking him twice and causing him to flee to a nearby getaway car. The robber died after the getaway driver took him to a hospital in Pearland, Texas. The getaway driver is in custody.

November 13, 2012

Immigrant uses revolver to defend home, The Herald, Sharon, Pa. 11/08/12

Italian immigrant Pete Delli Bovi was at home on his couch in Sharon, Pa. when an intruder attempted to break down his door with a brick at 3 in the afternoon. Delli Bovi, who told reporters he always keeps his .38-caliber revolver nearby, retrieved the gun and shot the criminal twice. The home invader fled the scene but was captured by police after seeking treatment at a local hospital. Sharon Police Chief Mike Menster made clear that no charges would be filed against Delli Bovi and remarked, “This is an occupational hazard of being a burglar – eventually, you’re going to go into the wrong house and you’re going to get hurt.”

November 7, 2012

Wanted criminal shot by 69-year-old homeowner, The Modesto Bee, Modesto, Calif. 11/05/12

While driving a car he stole less than 15 minutes earlier, a thief in Ceres, Calif. spotted a 69-year-old homeowner in his garage and attempted to rob him with a knife. The homeowner responded by retrieving a nearby .38-caliber handgun and shooting the criminal twice. The wounded robber fled the home but was captured by police in a nearby yard. An investigation revealed that the criminal already had a warrant out for his arrest, resulting from his lack of participation in a court ordered alternative work program.

November 6, 2012

Store owner scares off masked gunman, The Tri-City Herald, Kennewick, Wash. 11/04/12

A masked criminal, wielding what looked like a handgun, entered the Tienda la Comadre convenience store in Hermiston, Ore. and attempted to rob the store. Police say the robber was in the store for all of five seconds before the owner retrieved a gun and fired at the criminal, causing him to flee. Nothing was taken from the store.

November 2, 2012

Woman fights off two armed home invaders, The Beaufort Gazette, Beaufort, S.C. 10/30/12

A pair of armed intruders entered a home in St. Helena Island, S.C. and attempted to rob the 31-year-old woman who lives there. The homeowner responded by retrieving a gun and firing at the criminals, striking one and causing both to flee. The wounded criminal was discovered when he turned up at the Savannah Memorial University Medical Center seeking treatment; the other was captured a day later. The home invaders face charges of armed robbery and attempted murder.

November 1, 2012

Woman defends home from violent intruder, The Birmingham News, Birmingham, Ala. October 30, 2012

A 63-year-old woman suffering from congestive heart failure and arthritis was asleep at home in Bessemer, Ala. when an armed intruder came into her bedroom. The home invader demanded that the woman hand over money and jewelry, and when she didn’t comply, he drew a keyhole saw and cut her on her stomach and arm. Eventually, one of the woman’s seven dogs alerted a guest staying at the home to the commotion. The guest distracted the criminal long enough for the woman to retrieve a .44-caliber revolver and shoot the criminal, who fled the scene. Police captured the home invader a short time later after he sought treatment at a local hospital. Following the shooting, the woman told local media, “I have a family to protect and that’s what I did. I protected me and mine.” The armed citizen also noted that she has been a gun owner for more than 30 years and that “women are better with guns.”

October 23, 2012

12-year-old girl defends herself from home invader, The Oklahoman, Oklahoma City, Okla. 10/19/12

12-year-old Kendra St. Clair was at home alone in Durant, Okla. when a man began banging on the front door. Frightened, Kendra called her mother at work, who told her to retrieve a .40-caliber pistol and to hide in the bathroom closet. Kendra complied, and after calling 911, heard the criminal break through a back door. After about six minutes inside the home, the intruder made it to the bathroom closet where Kendra was hiding. As the home invader attempted to open the closet, Kendra fired at the criminal, striking him and causing him to flee. Police captured the intruder a short time later and transported him to a hospital. Following the incident, Kendra’s mother told local media about how her daughter was coping, stating, “She’s a trooper… She’s staying strong and confident. She’s handling this much better than I would have.” When asked about her experience, Kendra told reporters, “I kept my head on straight.”

October 19, 2012

22-year-old woman defends herself against armed home invaders, NBC DFW, Dallas, Texas 10/18/12

A 22-year-old woman was at home alone in Dallas, Texas when a pair of home invaders, at least one of whom was armed, kicked in the front door. After retrieving a gun, the woman spotted the criminals as they were headed to the second floor of the house. The woman opened fire on the home invaders, striking one and causing both to flee. The wounded burglar collapsed just outside the front door and was later taken to a local hospital, where he died. The father of the armed citizen noted that he was proud of his daughter’s actions, stating, "I'm real proud of her because I taught her that... I taught my girls that -- to defend themselves when someone comes to hurt them, and apparently she listened."


Tell me if you want more.  Like I said before, I have hundreds.

And "scenarios"?  You want scenarios?


How about these.  They are not imaginary.  They happened:


November 16, 2012

Store owner fatally shoots armed criminal, The Houston Chronicle, Houston, Texas 11/14/12, KTRK, Houston, Texas 11/15/12

A robber armed with a handgun entered a cell phone store in Houston, Texas and attempted to rob the owner. The owner responded by retrieving a gun and firing at the criminal, striking him twice and causing him to flee to a nearby getaway car. The robber died after the getaway driver took him to a hospital in Pearland, Texas. The getaway driver is in custody.

November 13, 2012

Immigrant uses revolver to defend home, The Herald, Sharon, Pa. 11/08/12

Italian immigrant Pete Delli Bovi was at home on his couch in Sharon, Pa. when an intruder attempted to break down his door with a brick at 3 in the afternoon. Delli Bovi, who told reporters he always keeps his .38-caliber revolver nearby, retrieved the gun and shot the criminal twice. The home invader fled the scene but was captured by police after seeking treatment at a local hospital. Sharon Police Chief Mike Menster made clear that no charges would be filed against Delli Bovi and remarked, “This is an occupational hazard of being a burglar – eventually, you’re going to go into the wrong house and you’re going to get hurt.”

November 7, 2012

Wanted criminal shot by 69-year-old homeowner, The Modesto Bee, Modesto, Calif. 11/05/12

While driving a car he stole less than 15 minutes earlier, a thief in Ceres, Calif. spotted a 69-year-old homeowner in his garage and attempted to rob him with a knife. The homeowner responded by retrieving a nearby .38-caliber handgun and shooting the criminal twice. The wounded robber fled the home but was captured by police in a nearby yard. An investigation revealed that the criminal already had a warrant out for his arrest, resulting from his lack of participation in a court ordered alternative work program.

November 6, 2012

Store owner scares off masked gunman, The Tri-City Herald, Kennewick, Wash. 11/04/12

A masked criminal, wielding what looked like a handgun, entered the Tienda la Comadre convenience store in Hermiston, Ore. and attempted to rob the store. Police say the robber was in the store for all of five seconds before the owner retrieved a gun and fired at the criminal, causing him to flee. Nothing was taken from the store.

November 2, 2012

Woman fights off two armed home invaders, The Beaufort Gazette, Beaufort, S.C. 10/30/12

A pair of armed intruders entered a home in St. Helena Island, S.C. and attempted to rob the 31-year-old woman who lives there. The homeowner responded by retrieving a gun and firing at the criminals, striking one and causing both to flee. The wounded criminal was discovered when he turned up at the Savannah Memorial University Medical Center seeking treatment; the other was captured a day later. The home invaders face charges of armed robbery and attempted murder.

November 1, 2012

Woman defends home from violent intruder, The Birmingham News, Birmingham, Ala. October 30, 2012

A 63-year-old woman suffering from congestive heart failure and arthritis was asleep at home in Bessemer, Ala. when an armed intruder came into her bedroom. The home invader demanded that the woman hand over money and jewelry, and when she didn’t comply, he drew a keyhole saw and cut her on her stomach and arm. Eventually, one of the woman’s seven dogs alerted a guest staying at the home to the commotion. The guest distracted the criminal long enough for the woman to retrieve a .44-caliber revolver and shoot the criminal, who fled the scene. Police captured the home invader a short time later after he sought treatment at a local hospital. Following the shooting, the woman told local media, “I have a family to protect and that’s what I did. I protected me and mine.” The armed citizen also noted that she has been a gun owner for more than 30 years and that “women are better with guns.”

October 23, 2012

12-year-old girl defends herself from home invader, The Oklahoman, Oklahoma City, Okla. 10/19/12

12-year-old Kendra St. Clair was at home alone in Durant, Okla. when a man began banging on the front door. Frightened, Kendra called her mother at work, who told her to retrieve a .40-caliber pistol and to hide in the bathroom closet. Kendra complied, and after calling 911, heard the criminal break through a back door. After about six minutes inside the home, the intruder made it to the bathroom closet where Kendra was hiding. As the home invader attempted to open the closet, Kendra fired at the criminal, striking him and causing him to flee. Police captured the intruder a short time later and transported him to a hospital. Following the incident, Kendra’s mother told local media about how her daughter was coping, stating, “She’s a trooper… She’s staying strong and confident. She’s handling this much better than I would have.” When asked about her experience, Kendra told reporters, “I kept my head on straight.”

October 19, 2012

22-year-old woman defends herself against armed home invaders, NBC DFW, Dallas, Texas 10/18/12

A 22-year-old woman was at home alone in Dallas, Texas when a pair of home invaders, at least one of whom was armed, kicked in the front door. After retrieving a gun, the woman spotted the criminals as they were headed to the second floor of the house. The woman opened fire on the home invaders, striking one and causing both to flee. The wounded burglar collapsed just outside the front door and was later taken to a local hospital, where he died. The father of the armed citizen noted that he was proud of his daughter’s actions, stating, "I'm real proud of her because I taught her that... I taught my girls that -- to defend themselves when someone comes to hurt them, and apparently she listened."


Tell me if you want more.  Like I said before, I have hundreds.

I laughed at msmals imaginary scenarios. Unless the armed person across the street knew msmal, why shoot across the street for no apparent reason - an across the street robbery or rape? Ditto at the football game. This scenario is nothing like the massacre at the CO theater with weapons galore. What msmal was describing was a shooter aiming at her. How can we expect logic from someone who does not display logic?

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