Neighborhood Connections City of Pasadena

Car Collision

Posted in: Flowers of Marengo
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  • flowers
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  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor
Though we've been complaining about traffic, I have a recent experience that makes it more personal (most people received the E-mail photos; if you are interested, let me know as I can't post them here).

The neighbors have been complaining about the traffic safety problem at the corner of Flower and Garfield for at least two years. Neighbors have done traffic counts to try to see if we meet the Caltrans Warrant for all-way stops, but we always come up short. The city traffic engineer has checked accident report records, but has never found a sufficient number of reports filed
to justify all-way stops. But the neighbors keep stating that at least 5 collisions occur there every year, and many more near misses. There also are a lot of children that play near the intersection. And week ago monday night (8/28/00), I was almost killed there.

A friend (and 50 plus year resident of Pasadena) had stopped by my house and suggested we go out for Hamburgers. We
were driving east on Flower at about 21 miles per hour, and both of us checked cross traffic at Garfield. When we were in the MIDDLE of the intersection, a SUV came through the stop sign north bound on Garfield and smashed into the side of my friend's car, with the bumper being only inches from my rib cage. My friend is experiencing chest pains. My arm was
scratched from the shattered glass. My friend's car was a ''collectable'', the last year of the VW bug, (a limited edition vehicle)with less than 35 thousand original miles. The car was pushed sideways about 15 feet and the back end was spun about 55 degrees. I was trapped in the car as the door was damaged beyond operation, but I called out the sun-roof to one of our
neighbors to call the police.

The collision occurred at about 5:40 pm. Officer Derek Locklin (car #26), who works day shift, Saturday, Sunday, and
Monday was first on the scene and asked each person in the collision if they needed a paramedic. Each stated no, but both my friend and I stated we had minor injuries that we would have checked by our own physician. Derek stated he would not be taking the report, but that another officer would be by shortly. He asked me to calm down and not be so excited - but I ask you, could you remain calm if the grill of an SUV ran into the side of your body at about 15 to 20 mph with only the protection of the door of a light weight vehicle?

Community Service Officer R Ray Morford (car #76) arrived a short time after and took driver's license and insurance
information from the drivers. Many neighbors came out to see what happened and to try to help. Two children stated they witnessed the collision, but their statements were not sufficient to include in the report. The report is case number 00050757.

Both cars were drivable and were able to leave the scene without tow truck assistance, but steering on the SUV was limited due to the fender being bent in toward the wheel well.

What are your traffic experiences? How can we use these experiences to get the traffic calming, stop signs and traffic enforcement needed?
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