Northridge Civic Association

Northridge Civic Association -No President, no plow, no collections

Posted in: Northridge Civic

Snow removal is only 1 tiny problem for Northridge.


Speeding - speeding and more speeding.  Especially on Parkside Blvd.  We have gotten little support and residents voted down a speed bump to protect their vehicles vs. protecting small children.  This is a disgrace. 


Lesher Memorial Park?  Just to let everyone know it was cleaned up by the county by repeated calls to the County by my wife and I.  It is a meeting place for petty drug dealing and smoking weed - in the presence of small children!!!


There are new families moving in with young children.  The Civic Association or "lack thereof" better get involved to solve these types of real problems instead of worrying collecting snow removal money. 


Long time residents on Parkside Blvd. have noted that the neighborhood has really gone down hill over the years.


It would be nice too if someone cleaned up that "cess" pool in the back yard of the 900 block on Parkside Blvd.  It smells horrible in the spring and summer months + it looks like hell for people visiting Lesher Memorial Park. 




How about sending out community newsletters?


According to my wife there has been 5 or 6 sent out since we moved to the neighborhood in 2009.  I recall 1. 

The state says that a stop sign is not a viable option at the intersection of Naudain and Parkside Blvd. because it is a cult-de-sac up against the woods.  (Not a road).  However the intersection at the top of Parkside Blvd. (Lesher Memorial Park) has a stop sign.  Why?  The only difference is that there is a house facing the cess pool in the backyard of (900 Parkside Blvd.)  And - it is a park entrace.  So there is a stop sign all the way down at the bottom of Parkside Blvd. at the intersection of Claymont Heights.  So you have more than 1/2 (approximately) of a mile between stop signs.  This gives motorists the abiltity to speed excessively past homes with very small children.  Very dangerous.  My wife Nicole and I have tried every angle possible and the speed bump was the last attempt.  It failed.  The county police will not cite a motorist driving at 30 mph.  AND they also give a +1 or +2 mph margin of error based on the discretion of the traffic officer.  Even worse - since the vote for a speed bump failed - it can't be voted on again for 1 YEAR.  There has been several attempts to get the police to monitor speeding which they have but it has been on weekday mornings at rush hour or late afternoon rush hour.  No monitoring has been done on weekends, weekend nights or weekday nights where speeding is not only dangerous for kids during weekend days but also pedestrians walking up or down the street.  My car was side swiped in the middle of the night in Oct. 2014 (a hit and run).  Attempts for requesting officers to monitor during weekends has not been done.


Any suggestions from the neighbors?



This is what I suspected.  I saw a nice (had to be) 70 to 90K white BMW drive by today........had to be going in excess of 45 mph.  In a 25 mph residential area. 


Do the neighbors feel that this is acceptable? 


Can anyone answer me?  I am starting to believe that the rumor is true - people from Claymont are indeed illiterate. 

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