Thank you so much! That's the way a web host should pose a question...
Thank you so much! That's the way a web host should pose a question...
Thank you so much! That's the way a web host should pose a question... |
Has been in the works
I think the attempt at cooperation has been in the works since the 03 election and early on in 04. I also think that there was at least one councilman who was a regular attendee of the trustee meetings and one trustee that occasionally attended council meetings. Other than each briefly speaking during the comments section of the other?’s meeting, I don?’t think there were any formal cooperative actions taken but the hand of cooperation was extended. I know of at least one councilman who stated that the mayor was perfectly clear that discussions regarding cooperative issues with the township were explicitly his purview. With who he was having these discussions was never made known. Since the township doesn?’t have a mayor I suppose the city mayor chose a trustee with a sympathetic ear or vice-versa. Anyways, three years have elapsed and this JEDD argument is all we have to show for cooperation? I am disappointed. Visible and viable cooperation could be displayed on so many other less controversial fronts, but alas, our Politicians insist they run before they learn to walk. Forget the score, what inning it is and the men you have on base ?– swing for the bleachers at all times. The ?“team?” will understand. It has been my observation that the illustrious trustees have always felt morally and politically superior to their city counterparts. I would assume this is related to their time in office and tenure and the crew they had to deal with before the 03 elections. So I get the impression that attempts at cooperation may have been made between individual trustees and individual councilmen or the mayor all along. What the trustees hadn?’t bargained for in their newly elected or appointed counterparts is that these guys really knew their stuff. Not only that, but a majority of council and even part of the minority were committed to protecting the city and her residents?’ best interests first without consideration of their own. The superior trustees then had a dilemma. How could they proceed with dictating the terms of cooperation without publicly attacking the dignity of some of the very people they helped get into office? Finally that issue resolved itself when one of the elected officials began having medical issues that played out through the community and parlayed into articles in the press. The weakest link was found. All it took was some behind-the-scenes manipulation of the medical issues by the trustees and a political favor was granted that had to then be repaid. As repayment, the city official would accept the terms of cooperation dictated by the trustees unquestioningly. Additionally this person would bring whatever votes he could control with him again without question and lastly, this person had to side with the trustees to absolutely vilify those who dared question the terms dictated by the township. Mission accomplished. Now you can read all about it in the papers. Remember the Cardinal Rule of Pickerington and Violet Township politics, and I?’ll say this slowly: PAYBACKS ARE REQUIRED BY LAW |