Here is what I propose the school board think about since they will assuredly run this tired old failure of a levy again. First hire someone to digest the votes from this failure and the others before it to advise you on what to ask us for next time. Hire someone who can analyze situations like we are in elsewhere in the State to see how they turned failure into success. Stop thinking you are so much smarter than us and just talk to us. Look outside this site for input, although I think there is a valid cross-section to get started with here. How about some focus groups or town meetings?
Go back to the people and see if one large school will float since two won?’t. See if adding on to existing buildings will sell. Just ask if someone has a better idea than you and quit shooting them down out of pocket. You have the precinct voting totals so you will know where to ask. Forget what the teacher?’s union wants. If they don?’t like it then tell them to quit. Get a ballpark figure on what purchasing those corn fields adjacent to Opportunity Way and Lockville Road and price out a duplicate athletic complex to what North has. If the sports disparity is such an issue then address it. Stop patching up the old facilities and trying to tell us they are closer to being the same. Don?’t insult us.
You obviously have some operating issues coming soon. Start to educate us now as to what those costs are, how much they will dig into my wallet and when you will be asking. I know I am sounding like I am repeating myself over and over again by saying this but since you can?’t give us anything better than your facility review report can you at least tell me what I can expect in each trip to the polls, whether a regular or special election for the next 5 years? Then instead of telling me something stupid like giving up a pizza a month or that crap, I can honestly plan for how and if I can afford to support you. Can I make my old car last another year to free up that money? Can I put off that new roof I need for another year? You know, simple stuff like that for my simple mind. Quit telling me to give up a cup of coffee a day to support your spending habits, be them from now or the past. Realistically that is what you are asking me for. To make do with what I have and give you the money instead. We?’re not talking coffee or pizza here; we?’re talking a car payment or a new roof. Treat me like a grown up. I respond better to that.
Let me go out on a limb here and offer another suggestion. Address the issues of seniors, empty nesters and people on fixed incomes. Look at options for tax relief for them. Don?’t expect to get blood from a turnip. These people just don?’t have the additional income or any incentive to help you. Stop badgering them. Give them some relief and you just might earn their vote.
Talk to the voters, make a plan and then see us in November. I vow to stop being so ambivalent and to vote no and convince as many people as I can to vote no if you dare put two schools before us in August. Stop insulting our intelligence.
By Central Dad