Worry about useless things
The phoenix is not rising from the ashes. Why is everyone so concerned about this, unless someone thinks he is a threat? If he is a threat, maybe he should run.
Trustee begins with Trust
We need someone to challenge Gary W. His actions on this Fix agreement are a testament to his disdain for City Tax Payers. We have pro-township councilmen/women, why not a pro-city Trustee?
By A Carrier
The enemy of your enemy
A word to the wise: the enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend.
very true
lately you just do not know who your friends are in area politics do you. Former friends now look like enemies, former enemies now on the same side.
now we can shake up the bag and insert the Gray and Bushman gang? comon people not everyone has short memories of what that meant to the city.