Read the minutes
7:30 P.M.
1. ROLL CALL. Mr. Smith called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M., with roll call as follows: Mr. Sabatino, Mrs. Hammond, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Fix were present. No members were absent. Others present were Mayor Shaver, Judy Gilleland, Lynda Yartin, Linda Fersch, Ted Hackworth, Carol Carter, Fred Holmes, Bob Slingluff, and others.
3. Presentation by Fred Holmes of Volunteer Energy Services, Inc. Mr. Holmes stated he was representing Volunteer Energy Services, Inc., and they provide natural gas services. Mr. Holmes gave a power point presentation (Attachment 1 to these minutes.)
Mayor Shaver stated he would like to submit to Finance Committee an Annexation Agreement for consideration, and all Committee members have received a copy of this agreement. Mayor Shaver stated this is an annexation agreement on approximately three acres of land that would have professional office space. Mr. Smith stated he would like to delay considering this agreement until at least next month. Mr. Smith moved to Table the Annexation Agreement; Mrs. Hammond seconded the motion. Mr. Smith stated Mayor Shaver was also going to present a Memorandum of Understanding and he would like to separate these two items. He stated he would like to consider the Memorandum of Understanding this evening, and continue discussion on the annexation agreement at the next meeting. Mr. Fix stated he understood the Township had put some kind of a deadline on the annexation agreement, and Mr. Smith stated the Township had indicated they would like a response within 21 days. Mr. Sabatino stated he had asked the law director about that and his comment was that they generally disregard things like that. Roll call was taken on the motion to Table with Mr. Sabatino, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Hammond, and Mr. Fix voting ?“Yea.?” Motion to Table passed, 4-0.
Mayor Shaver stated he would also like to submit to Finance Committee a Memorandum of Understanding to Create JEDDs, and stated he would like to have Finance Committee move this out of Committee to the full Council for a vote. Mayor Shaver stated this Memorandum of Understanding is between five entities, Bloom Township, Violet Township, City of Lancaster, City of Pickerington, and the City of Pickerington. He stated the purpose of the agreement is to indicate that the parties will work in the future on economic development throughout the Route 33 corridor. He stated we want to present a united front and all of the entities to be involved in the discussions and share in the revenue. Mayor Shaver stated he felt it was important as the Route 33 corridor is developed, that there be cooperation between all the government entities. He stated each JEDD or CEDA would be addressed on their individual terms. Mayor Shaver stated the other entities will be presenting this Memorandum of Understanding to their Councils or